Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thevana (泰国的“天公”)

Every temple has its own “principal god” and the principal god of Ubosot in Wat Sungai Siput would be “Thevana” (spelling). According to Archan Tia, “Thevana” is equivalent and has the same ranking with “Ti Gong” in chinese’s Taoism, he is actually a high ranking lords who play the roles as both the deity and the protector of thai temple.

On Saturday, June 12, 2010 about 6AM in the morning while Archan Tia walks around Wat Sungai Siput doing his morning exercise, he suddenly saw “something” standing high on the roof of the Ubosot bulding that are currently under the construction, at the beginning he thought it was the worker but when he look closely he realized that its not human but it’s a “Thevana” with formal dressing and very shining standing on the spot indicated out in the first photo. He is very exciting and wanted to take the photo of it using his handphone but the sky is still very dark he didn’t make it. Also at that time the atmosphere surrounding with the air that smell very nice like perfume. About 9AM when everybody up he ask them about it but non of them saw or smell anything, right after the moment Archan Tia asking them, once again he smell something very nice and this time its much stronger, so Archan Tia use his handphone to take the photo on the spot where he saw “Thevana” few hours ago, and this time he successfully captured something, a white shadow like object as indicated in the second photo. If you look closely at those 2 photos you will see at the very top edge of Ubosot there is a container in triangle shape with gold paint color, inside contained the relics that Archan Tia kept for long time, also, really to know something truly thrilling? Inside you will also find the Arjan Toh Somdej, yes you heard (read) it right it’s the genuine/real/original Arjan Toh Somdej that a man from Thailand used to came to Wat Sungai Siput to offer Archan Tia RM50000 for it but Archan Tia refuse to sell it because it worth 2 millions in Thailand. Archan Tia used to show that Somdej to my friend, according to what my friend said, it’s a very amazing Somdej Toh that look like it is shining and sparking, I never get the chance to see it and now it’s at the top of Ubosot together with other relics. And yes I know what you are thinking now and I have also asked the same question to Archan Tia, will somebody try to steal it? He just smiles and gave me no answer, but I know what he is thinking, that is “can you do that and do you dare to do it”. And oh by the way, the somdej and relics was placed on 11/06/2010, day before “Thevana” show up. So was the “Thevana” sent to protect those relics and somdej or to become the principal of Ubosot or both? I like to think that its the latter.

每 一间具有灵性的庙宇不管是华人道教的庙或暹庙都会有一个主神,很多时候我们都会知道华人道教庙宇的主神是什么,比如那是观音庙,那是关帝庙等,但如果碰到 了暹庙我们就无法从中知道它的主神是什么,因为暹庙不会有乩童上身来告诉你那是什么神明来掌管,而且在几乎每一间暹庙我们都会看到佛陀以及泰国天神如猴神 哈努曼,神兵猛将,金翅鸟等等,除了指标性的释迦牟尼代表佛陀教育之外,我们都不会知道是什么天神来倾听以及实行信徒们的心愿。但是,在空怀泰佛寺,除了 它的四面佛很灵验之外,现在也会有一名叫做 “Thevana”的天神来守护以及掌管空怀泰佛寺,也许很少人会知道,“Thevana”其实就像华人道教里的“天公”,是一尊在天界里地位很高的神 明。

其缘源至于2010年6月17 号,在一个6点钟的星期六清晨,但阿占爹师傅漫步在佛寺的周围以舒展四肢的时候,突然间看到类似一个人形的东西站立在正在建设的大雄宝殿屋顶的钢骨水泥柱 上,起先他以为是建筑工友,但仔细一看,不得了,那是一位身穿着泰国古式服装,而且还闪闪发亮的天神“Thevana”站立在大雄宝殿的上方远眺着前方, 这时候的空气也凝漫着一股清新的香味,阿占爹师傅极致高兴,因为他说除了在坐禅的时候,偶尔会有看到佛陀或跟其他的神明交谈以外,还不曾在清醒的时候用肉 眼看过那么清楚的神明。在那时候他很想用手机把这景象拍摄下来但碍于天色还未亮无法拍到任何东西。在大概9点钟当庙里的人都起身干活后,阿占爹就很兴奋的 到处问人是否也看到或闻到什么香味,但很可惜除了他自己以外没有任何人看到或闻到什么东西,正当他发问完毕的时候他又再次的闻到非常香的味道,阿占爹就用 手机往他之前看到“Thevana”的地方拍摄,在观看照片时就发现在其中一张照片上有一道白色的物体靠近“Thevana”站立的地方,该白色的物体应 该就是“Thevana”的显灵了。

如果你再仔细看看那两张图片,你会发现在大雄宝殿的最高 顶部有个三角形金黄色的东西,我不知道它叫什么名堂,好像舍利塔般的东西,正是在6月17 号装上,里面拥有阿占爹收藏多年的舍利子以及阿占Toh亲手做的顺德佛牌!阿占Toh亲手做的顺德佛牌几乎是每一位泰国佛牌爱好者梦寐以求的佛牌,其市价 之高是其他的佛牌之冠,而且假的阿占Toh顺德非常多,要找到一粒真正由阿占Toh亲手做的顺德可以说是极度的困难。曾经有一位来自泰国的佛牌收藏家来到 空怀泰佛寺要以马币50千的价钱购买该顺德佛牌但招到阿占爹的拒绝原因是在泰国其市价可以高达马币2百万,如果对方要付2百万的话阿占爹就会让给对方,因 为可以有足够的资金来建设大大雄宝殿以及建设其它庙里的建筑物。我的朋友有幸看过该顺德佛牌,据他说该佛牌散发着一股不可思议的能量以及“闪闪发亮”,很 可惜我没有机会看到就被师傅放在上面了。我问他说不怕给人知道后遭到偷窃吗,而且现在的资讯又那么的发达,一个部落格就可以让全球知道这件事,他只是笑笑 没回答,我想他心里想着的是,这么珍贵的东西是应该回馈给大家的而非成为个人的收藏,而且如果有人要偷的话,问题是“你要怎么偷而且你敢吗”。回归原题, 该“Thevana”是被送来守护着空怀泰佛寺以及大雄宝殿呢还是守护着舍利子和顺德或两者皆是,我认为都是。但无论是怎样,我们都知道了空怀泰佛寺现在 又增添了几分的灵力以及神秘。

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