Thursday, July 10, 2014

Offering Saffron Robes (送袈裟)

Offering saffron robes is a form of merit-making to all the Archan Tia’s devotees and it is also part of the event at Phapa (31/08). It is highly believe that offering saffron robes to monk is a very good at merit making especially to boost up our career and business as well as merit making for our parents and family. Here at Wat Sungai Siput you only get to offer saffron robes to Archan Tia and its student monk on event such as Wai Kru (01/05) and Phapa (31/08). If you want to offer saffron robes on that day you do not need to bring the saffron robes by yourself, with only RM50 you can literally purchase a saffron robes at Wat Sungai Siput and queue up waiting for your turn to offer it to either Archan Tia himself or his student monk, or invited monks from other temple.

“Ordained Buddhist monks and nuns who wear the robes represent the Sangha, the third component of the Triple Gem (also known as the Three Precious Jewels). When one takes refuge in Buddhism, one takes refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. The Sangha represents the Buddha’s disciples worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of respect, the incomparable field of merit for the world.” [Internet Source]

“卡 蒂那”是8月31号“祖先公德法会”上的一个项目之一,也是让善信可以供袈裟給僧侶们的机会。一般上认为供袈裟于僧侶不但对事业上或生意上有帮助,还可以 将此公德徊向给在世或者已经往生的父母或亲人。佛陀曾经对目连尊者说:“以后的佛弟子,如果要行孝道就应该在七月十五日供僧,并以供僧功德徊向给过往的亲 人,这功德不只可以救度这一世的父母,甚至也可以救度七世的父母” 。在空怀泰佛寺,只有5月1号以及8月31号的大型法会上可以让信徒供袈裟,一般的日子是没有该项目的。要供袈裟的善信们不必自备袈裟,可以在当场以马币 50块的价钱购买庙方已经准备好的袈裟,然后送给阿占爹或其门下和尚或来自其它庙的和尚,无论送给那一位和尚都好,这将会是一件功德无比的事。

“接受剃度以及披上袈裟的佛教和尚们代表僧伽,是三宝中的其中一宝。当一个人皈依佛教时,也代表皈依了佛陀,佛法以及僧伽。僧伽是佛陀的弟子,值得我们供养,提供住舍,布施以及尊敬,这将是功德无比的事。” [文段取自其它网站]

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