Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Booklet (第一版本的小册子)

The first version of Wat Sungai Siput booklet titled “The Story of Archan Tia” has been printed out now and can be obtained free at Wat Sungai Siput.

This book will serve as the introduction for those who barely know about Archan Tia including his background & history; also it meant to be distributed to those who don’t have internet access to browse this blog. There are total of 400 books printed from the amount of RM510 collected from a group of devotees in Sungai Petani (SP). We are collecting more funds to publish for the better version in book cover and paper quality (currently just A4 version), so if you think you are interest in contribute some, call Mr. Lau (Assistant Vice Chairman) of Wat Sungai Siput at 010-3730730 and he will take your name and guide you how to send the donation. Alternatively you can also give the donation to Archan Tia but remember to submit your name too in full. If sufficient amount of money was collected we might consider publishing the book in a quarter basic per year so that Wat Sungai Siput will have its own publication for its existing and new devotees.

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