Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ubosot Launching - Day 1 (开幕讲经堂 - 第一天)

Day 1 of Ubosot launching ceremony was successfully done. The cutting ribbon ceremony was honored by the chief abbot of Wat Kura, Ven. Phrakhru Charukdhammaphorn, whom is also the secretary monk of Daerah Sik, and witness by 80 other Phra from other temples including the chief abbot of Malaysia Chao Kun Nam of Wat Maieson.

Strange thing happened today, it was cloudy and raining cats and dogs occasionally, when the cutting ribbon is about to take place, sun show up with great sunshine and right after the cutting ceremony was done, the sky turned to cloudy again and started to rain when 80 monks entered ubosot for the land soil discharging ritual. The open ceremony took place at 5PM and continued till evening. More events coming up tomorrow, be there!

第一天的讲经堂开幕仪式顺利完成。剪彩仪式由Wat Kura 的主持人,也是 Sik 县的和尚秘书Ven. Phrakhru Charukdhammaphorn 主持,而马来西亚的僧王Chao Kun Nam 与80多位来自不同庙宇的僧人共同见证了此开幕。

今 天一整天都是多云偶尔小雨,在剪彩前下了毛毛雨,但一旦剪彩仪式要开始时,天空顿时放晴阳光普照,在短短的几分钟剪彩仪式完毕后天空就立刻下起雨来。剪彩 仪式完毕后80多位僧人开始进入讲经堂共同诵经念土仪式。整个仪式在5点开始,到了晚上才结束。明起更多的活动与仪式,记得前来!

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