Thursday, July 10, 2014

Floral Bath + Spiritual Acupuncture (冲花凉 + 针灸灵疗)

Barely walk, need to be assisted
It so happened that I was in the temple today to witness a miracle happen right infront of my very eyes. A young accompanied by his family came temple to seek for Archan Tia’s help, he looks sick and painful, he barely walk, need to assist aside by his father and grandfather, it took about 5 minutes for him to walk from doorstep to infront of Archan Tia, a distance that any normal person can accomplish in just 5 seconds. Accordingly to his parents, that young guy is just 19 years old, from SP but study somewhere in Pahang, one day in the morning he wake up and find his whole body so painfully that he barely move, this sudden and weird disease been hurting him for 1 week, today after recommend by his father’s friend, they came here to give it a shot and see how it goes.

Egg to remove bad energy
The healing ritual start with floral bath, his family helps him to walk to the bathing platform. After he got into position, Archan Tia uses an egg to rub his whole body then followed by floral bath. After floral bath, he need to change the dry cloth, so his family helped him to get to toilet, strange thing happened after he came out from toilet, we saw him start to be able to walk by himself, slowly but alone he approached to Archan Tia and sit down, then Archan Tia apply the acupuncture therapy on him. After about half an hour when the therapy session is completed, he stands up and this time he can walk without any assistance! It is amazing to see such a tremendous changed after floral bath and acupuncture. His whole family including himself is very happy, they are grateful because of Archan Tia’s favor. Archan Tia said that young guy should be completely ok by tomorrow, after his blood vessels and collaterals get circled then he wont find any pains and can walk like usual.

Start to bath
Archan Tia then gave him a waist takrut and asked him to wear it 24/7. That young guy suppose to be possessed by somekind of dirty spirit or kongtao that caused him to this trouble, that waist takrut can prevent this kind of negative energy to attack him again in the future.‎  Although I have been in the temple long enough to saw many floral bath and acupuncture done by Archan Tia but today is the first time I witness this incident, where a serious patient get cured on the spot, I was amazed. Best of all this therapy is completely free, just donate at your will.

Strange reaction while bathing
今天在庙里的时候在机缘下给我见证了一件奇迹的事。话说今天下午的时候庙里来了一家友族同胞,一位年轻人在他的家 人扶助下慢慢的从门口走向阿占爹前面,那位年轻人看起来脸色青白,眼神呆滞无神,双脚无法走路,必须由他的父亲和公公扶助下才可以行走。他每走一步就停下 来,脸上布满了痛楚的表情。从大门口到阿占爹师傅的法坛前如果以一般正常人的步行速度来算的话,只需10秒,但他必须用了5分钟才可以到达,可以想象这位 年轻的友族的病是有多么的严重! 到了法坛前他勉强的坐下来,在阿占爹问清来龙去脉后,就准备开始治疗他,会先给他冲花凉,然后才针灸。根据他的父母说,他们来自SP,他目前在 Pahang 深造,有一天早上醒来发现自己全身无法动弹而且疼痛无比,尤其是双脚,更是无法走路。此怪像已经延续一个星期之久了,今天在朋友的介绍下认识了阿占爹,就 抱着试一下的心态来看看能不能治疗好这突然发生的怪病。介绍他们的那个人也是友族同胞,之前比这位年轻人更加严重,是用担子被人抬进来的,但经过阿占爹的 治疗后,当场立刻可以自己亲自走出去!他见证了阿占爹的法力后,今天就介绍了这家人来这边替他们的孩子寻找医疗方针。

阿占爹首先要替他冲花凉,他们花了好大的劲儿才帮那年轻人走到冲花凉的平台。坐下后阿占爹用一颗蛋在他全身上下从 头到尾擦了一番然后才开始冲凉。冲完凉后他们扶着他前往厕所更衣,过了不久,我们看见他慢慢的从厕所里出来,一个人不必家人的扶助既然可以慢慢的走到阿占 爹的法坛前面了!在法坛前坐了下来后,阿占爹就开始用草药针灸的医疗方式来帮他在全身有痛楚的地方进行治疗,整个过程大概30分钟。治疗完毕后他休息了一 下子,阿占爹叫他尝试起身走动看看能不能,他听完后慢慢的站了起来,试着走动,发觉既然没有那么疼痛了,在他们全家撤退的时候,我们看见他自己一个人从法 坛慢慢的走回车里的!和之前被人挟着进来的情景有如天渊之别。


Hey dad, look i can walk now!

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