Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Legendary 900 years old Monk - LP Thep (九百多岁高僧的传奇)

The following story of LP Thep Lok Udorn was told by Archan Tia in hokkien, memorized down by me and written down in both the English and Chinese version with the help of other devotee for correcting the grammar and sentences. They are real story happened when Archan Tia stayed with him in the cave for 5 days back to the days when Archan Tia still a forest monk.

以下是有关 LP Thep Lok Udorn 高僧的故事。是由阿占爹以福建话口述之后再由我根据所听的以英文以及华文来从写。以下都是真实发生在阿占爹身上的故事,因为阿占爹曾经跟这位高僧在山洞里共处5天。

- English Version
- 中文版本

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