Thursday, July 10, 2014

Kutti Sponsorship (和尚宿舍报效)

The development of Ubosot is expected to be completed by March next year. Basically all the major section of Ubosot was completed, now only left for portion decoration and interior design. Due to the continuously supported by devotees like your good self, Ubosot construction that took place on 24/04/2009 has been running smooth all this times and the bury of Lemit (stone egg) March next year will officially call the construction work to an end. Same day during the open ceremony of Ubosot, Wat Sungai Siput will have the tonsure ritual for those who want to ordain as temporary monk, so for this, kutti (monk hostel) is needed. At the moment there is not enough kutti to support the number of monk that will ordain as temporary monk on March next year, new kutti need to be built and it must be done together with the open ceremony of Ubosot because on that day, a temporary monk will be considered as officially to stay and serve the Buddha in the temple for the chosen period such as 3 days short monkhood to few months and even few years and so on. Archan Tia urge those who are kind hearted and willing to sponsor and honour the kutti please reach your helping hands as soon as you can because construction of kutti need to be done before the open ceremony of Ubosot by March next year, right now none of the construction work of kutti has been started because all funds will need to put on Ubosot first. 2 block of monk hostel is expected to sustain the number of monks, each block will have 3 rooms with own toilet, therefore 2 block of monk hostel will have total of 6 rooms and 6 toilets. The sponsorship of each block is RM40000, co-sponsorship is also welcome and the name of sponsor will be honoured in the building. If you are kind enough to sponsor for such a great merit, please kindly have your concern voice to the following number, your kind act will be appreciated and remember forever.

  • Archan Tia - 04-7522676, 013-4529368 (Simple hokkien & Thai only)
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408
  • Tan Hock Meng - 016-4157362

Meanwhile the yearly event of Phapa is coming soon, have you got the envelope yet? It is time to accumulate some good merits, retrieve the envelope from Archan Tia and help to distribute around.

When Thai people want to make a donation to a temple, a ceremony is organized. This donation can be some money, land, goods, furniture and so on... The furniture is wrapped with a holy white thread. Sometimes a donation is made following the recovery of a sick family member. Donations are also made in order to make good deeds ("THAM BUN" - ทำบุญ). Thai people donate huge amount of money to temples. Thai people believe that donations to temples and monks give higher merit than donations to hospitals, schools. Original from

于24/04/2009 开始建造的讲经堂如无意外将会在明年的3月竣工。这些年来多得众善信们的热心鼎力支持以及阿占爹师父本身的积极参与,工程在短短的两年内得以神速建造完 毕。明年的3月将会是讲经堂的开幕日,在开幕吉日当天,除了会有一系列的活动比如埋石担(Lemit)以及诵经仪式外,还会为那些欲短期出家的善信们剃度 出家。阿占爹说在任何的暹庙中,选择在讲经堂开幕的那一天出家将会得到非常大的公德,因此很多人喜欢在讲经堂(戒堂)开幕当天出家。有些人选择短期出家, 如3天至3个月甚至几年的都有,这完全看个人的意愿以及跟佛陀的缘份深度如何。为了让那些出家人有个地方可以歇息,空怀泰佛寺必须建造更多的和尚宿舍,否 则那些短期出家的就没有地方可以修行。和尚宿舍称为“Kutti”,阿占爹说至少需要6间的Kutti才足承担哪些短期出家的人数,阿占爹计划将建造2间 大宿舍,每间大宿舍各有3间小房间以及各自的厕所,既是说总共将会有6间房间以及6间厕所。每间大宿舍的建造费大约需要马币4万块,到了目前为此和尚的宿 舍工程还完全没有开工,因为所有的资金都投入在讲经堂上了,阿占爹说希望看到有缘人可以捐助报效好让和尚宿舍可以在讲经堂开幕之间落成,或独捐,或合捐都 无任欢迎。阿占爹说报效庙里的建筑是件公德无比的事,报效者的芳名将会永留于和尚宿舍中,名流千史,以示感激。希望有能力以及热心的善信们多多支持。

  • 阿占爹 - 04-7522676,013-4529368(简单的福建话和泰语)
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408
  • Tan Hock Meng - 016-4157362



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