Thursday, July 10, 2014

Kamma and Fruit (佛说三世因果经)

[Original from:] 

The Blessed Buddha once said:
 Beings are owners of their actions (kamma = karma), inheritors of their actions, are created by their actions, linked to their actions, their actions produce their destiny. Whatever actions they do; good as evil, the resulting reaction and effect will be only theirs! There is one who kills living beings, steals what belongs to others, commits adultery with others' partners; speaks lies, uses divisive and aggressive speech, prattles empty gossip; is covetous, envious, jealous, wicked-minded, & of evil views. Such one is creeping in all bodily, verbal, and mental actions. Hidden & secret are such one's actions, words, and thoughts, of ulterior and concealed motives. But I tell you: Whoever pursues hidden ways and objects will have to expect one of these two results: Either the torture of hell, or birth among the creeping animals. Thus is it with all rebirth of any being: They will be reborn according to their actions (kamma)... When reborn, they experience the exact effects of their actions. Therefore I declare: Beings are owners of their actions (kamma), inheritor of their actions, are created by their actions, linked to their actions, as a shadow that never leaves! Their actions produce and condition their future destiny. Whatever action they perform; good as evil, the resulting reaction and effects will be only theirs! Kamma causes and creates rebirth! A shadow that never leaves!

尔 时。阿难陀尊者。在灵山会上。一千二百五人俱。阿难顶礼合掌。遶佛三匝。胡跪合掌。请问本师释迦牟尼佛。南阎浮提。一切众生。末法时至。多生不善。不敬三 宝。不重父母。无有三纲。五伦杂乱。贫穷下贱。六根不足。终日杀生害命。富贵贫穷。亦不平等。是何果报。望世尊慈悲。愿为弟子一一解说。佛告阿难。与诸大 弟子言。善哉。善哉。汝等谛听。吾当为汝等分明说之。一切世间。男女老少。贫贱富贵。受苦无穷。享福不尽。皆是前生因果之报。以何所作故。先须孝敬父母。 敬信三宝。次要戒杀放生。念佛布施。能种後世福田。

萬般自作還自受﹐ 地獄受苦怨何人。 莫道因果無人見﹐ 遠在兒孫近在身。
不信吃齋多修捨﹐ 但看眼前受福人。 前世修來今世受﹐ 今生修積後世人。
若人毀謗因果經﹐ 後世墮落無人身。 有人受持因果經﹐ 諸佛菩薩作證明。
有人書寫因果經﹐ 世代兒孫家道興。 有人頂帶因果經﹐ 凶災橫禍不臨身。
有人講說因果經﹐ 生生世世得聰明。 有人高唱因果經﹐ 來生多人愛恭敬。
有人印送因果經﹐ 來世便得帝王身。 若問前世因果經﹐ 武帝前身是何人。
若問後世因果經﹐ 郗氏墮落蟒蛇身。 若是因果無感應﹐ 目蓮救母是何因。
若人深信因果經﹐ 同生西方極樂國。 三世因果說不盡﹐ 龍天不虧善心人。
三寶門中福好修﹐ 一文喜捨萬文收。 以君寄在堅牢庫﹐ 世世生生福不休。

Apa itu Hukum KARMA?

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