Thursday, July 10, 2014

Chinese Newspaper Reporting (中文报纸报导)

Chinese newspaper “Kwong Wah Yi Poh” date 31/07/2010 headlined the news of Wat Sungai Siput for the Ubosot building fund raising programme on the front page of “Kedah . Perlis” edition. Many thanks to “Kwong Wah Yi Poh” for the kind reporting, it is much appreciated. You can download the snap shot of newspaper to read the content but it is not very clear due to the limitation of camera on capturing the whole page of newspaper, if you are keen to read the content you can check out the link below because most of the content are taken from this blog. Thank you everyone once again for supporting Wat Sungai Siput, may triple gem bless you all well, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

“光华日报”在31/07 /2010的“吉坡”版中报导了有关空怀泰佛寺的讲经堂筹建新闻。在这里我代表大家对“光华日报”的热心以及慷慨报导深表万分感 激。如果你要读取内容的话可以下载以下的图片,由于刊面太大所以拍摄到的画面并不是很清晰,但是大部分的内容都取至此网站,因此你也可以在下面的附属链接 读取相关的文章。最后在这里再次的感谢大家对空怀泰佛寺的支持,大家的热心付出上天必会有所记录,其公德之无量不在话下,也愿大家一起努力研究佛法,加强 自己善的磁场,一起把善的意念传播下去!善哉,善哉,善哉!


Newspaper Screenshot: (Kwong Wah Yit Poh 31/07/2010)   (Guang Ming Daily 05/08/2010)

报纸报导: (光华日报-吉坡版 31/07/2010)      (光明日报-槟吉版 05/08/2010)

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