Thursday, July 10, 2014

Story of Waist Takrut (腰带铜符显灵圣迹)

Loh Li Shuan (罗利双)
01/02/2012 Wat Sungai Siput: A family of devotees who lived in Pendang, Kedah provides us with the great encounters of Archan Tia’s sacred item. It started with the daughter, Loh Li Shuan, 18 years old, who is also a Form 5 student in the nearby high school, one day at school’s weekly assembly, while she was patrolling the students as prefect, suddenly she noticed 3 girls just out of control, they acted weirdly and spoke nonsense, teacher incharge knew that they were possessed by ghost, but they all don’t know how to handle the situation. Out of nowhere Loh Li Shuan got courage by approaching and question one of them: “who are you!” The girl in possessed replied in Malay: “I was abandon…”, “Where are you from!” Loh asked again, girl in possessed replied: “from the big tree behind the school!” After short conversation, Loh try to get closer with the girl in possessed, but that girl shout out painfully, “Please don’t come closer! Its very hot!” Loh move quickly to grab that girl and she got fainted right after Loh Li Shuan got her. The rest of 2 girls who got possessed also fainted after Loh grabbed them. After a short rest, they were recovered. Teachers were shock seeing this “heroin” act of Loh, they asked Loh, who are you actually? Loh just smile. The only sacred item that Loh wearing on that day was Archan Tia’s waist takrut, given free by Archan Tia during floral bath.

Her mother (woman in the picture) also told us that, back in few years ago while she was checking in hospital and need to get injection by doctor, but after few attempt the needle still cant get through, she then took out Archan Tia’s waist takrut then only the injection can get done. She was wearing Archan Tia’s floral bath free waist takrut.

Floral bath waist takrut (冲花凉腰带铜符)
(空怀泰佛寺2012年2月1号讯) 一家住在吉打笨筒的善信今天跟我们分享有关阿占爹师傅的圣物显灵圣迹。故事最近发生在女儿的身上,罗利双,今年18岁,就读于附近的中学,是位中五生,在 学校的一次周会以巡察员的身份在巡逻时,惊然发现有3位女同学突然失去控制,大哭大叫,疑是撞邪了。负责老师都措手无策,不知如何是好。这时候罗同学也不 知哪里来的勇气,走向前质问那同学:“你是谁!”,被上身的女同学以马来语回答:“我是被人家抛弃的”, 罗同学又问:“你从哪里来的!?”女同学答到:“后面的大树下”。在经过短暂的交谈后,罗同学欲走向前抓那女同学,却被女同学惊呼到:“不要!你不要走过 来!很热!”罗同学也不管那么多了,快步上前一抓,那女同学顿时晕倒。安顿好了女同学之后,她又在去抓另外的两位,那两位同学一被罗利双抓到也同样的立刻 昏倒过去。那3位同学在经过休息后就没事了。负责老师把这一切都看在眼里,惊讶万分,向罗同学问道,你到底是谁呀!这么厉害!罗同学只是笑笑。罗利双说, 当时她全身上下只在腰带穿了阿占爹的腰带铜符而已,是在一次的冲花凉中,阿占爹送给她的。


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