Thursday, July 10, 2014

Awareness by Breathing (通过呼吸来觉悟)

[Original from:]

Once in Savatthi the Blessed Buddha said this:

"Bhikkhus, there is one unique thing, which when trained and cultivated, is of great fruit and great advantage. What is that one unique thing? It is Awareness by Breathing (Ānāpānasati)! And how, Bhikkhus, is this Awareness by Breathing trained, developed, cultivated and refined so that it is of really great fruit and of immense long-term advantage? Bhikkhus, when a Bhikkhu, who have gone to the forest, or to the root of a tree, or to an empty hut, then he sits down cross-legged, having straightened his body and back, and set up awareness around the nostrils, then just plain aware of only that itself, he breathes in, and then just solely aware of only that breathing itself, he breathes out...

  1. Breathing in long, he knows, notes and understands: I inhale long! Breathing out long, he knows, notes and understands: I exhale long!
  2. Breathing in short, he knows, notes and understands: I inhale short! Breathing out short, he knows, notes and understands: I exhale short!
  3. He trains thus: Experiencing the entire body, I will breathe in-&-out!
  4. Calming all bodily activity, I will breathe in-&-out!
  5. Experiencing enraptured joy, I will breathe in-&-out!
  6. Experiencing a happy pleasure, I will breathe in-&-out!
  7. Experiencing all mental activity, I will breathe in-&-out!
  8. Calming all mental activity, I will breathe in-&-out!
  9. Experiencing the present mood, I will breathe in-&-out!
  10. Elating and satisfying the mind, I will breathe in-&-out!
  11. Concentrating and focusing mind, I will breathe in-&-out!
  12. Releasing, and liberating the mind, I will breathe in-&-out!
  13. Contemplating impermanence, I will breathe in-&-out!
  14. Contemplating disillusion, I will breathe in-&-out!
  15. Contemplating ceasing, I will breathe in-&-out!
  16. He trains thus: Contemplating relinquishment, I will breathe in-&-out!
It is, Bhikkhus, when Awareness by Breathing is trained, developedand refined in exactly this way, that it is of great fruit and advantage!"


比 丘,有一样非常特别的东西,一旦通过不断的练习与耕种,将会得到无比的成果。那是什么东西呢,比丘问,那就是通过呼吸来觉悟,佛陀说。比丘问,怎么说呢? 那要怎样才能修成正果呢?佛陀说,当一个比丘,他进入森林里,或是在一棵树的低下,或是一个遮盖处,然后他坐下盘腿,调直他的背部,通过鼻孔来呼吸,他鼻 吸,他的意识与思想只有吸气,他鼻呼,他的意识与思想只有呼气,这时候他的意识只存在于鼻吸跟鼻呼,他的注意力只放在鼻孔的前部来感受鼻吸鼻呼。。。
  1. 他深深的做了一个鼻吸,当下,他知道,他明白,他的意识与思想只有单纯的那一刻:我在深鼻吸。他深深的做了一个鼻呼,当下,他知道,他明白,他的意识与思想只有单纯的那一刻:我在深鼻呼。
  2. 他短短的做了一个鼻吸,当下,他知道,他明白,他的意识与思想只有单纯的那一刻:我在短鼻吸;他短短的做了一个鼻呼,当下,他知道,他明白,他的意识与思想只有单纯的那一刻:我在短鼻呼。
  3. 他通过呼吸,去感觉他的整个身体。
  4. 他通过呼吸,让整个身体安定下来。
  5. 他通过呼吸,感觉到了喜悦。
  6. 他通过呼吸,感觉到了快乐。
  7. 他通过呼吸,去感觉到了他的精神活动。
  8. 他通过呼吸,让他的精神安定了下来。
  9. 他通过呼吸,感觉了当下的心情。
  10. 他通过呼吸,安稳的控制了他的思想。
  11. 他通过呼吸,专注的不让他的思索乱窜。
  12. 他通过呼吸,释放了他的杂绪。
  13. 他通过呼吸,进行了冥想。
  14. 他通过呼吸,明白了生、老、病、死。
  15. 他通过呼吸, 觉醒了。
  16. 他通过呼吸, 涅盘了。
  17. 他通过呼吸, 解脱了。

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