Thursday, July 10, 2014

August Update (八月份讯息更新)

Buddha statue (chindaram) already moved from main hall (lomtam) to Ubosot placed on the lotus seat, which is also the place for burying birthday takrut on next year during the Ubosot open ceremony. For those who haven’t get the birthday takrut done, do not miss this once in a life opportunity.

Sivali being consecrating
Sivali is being consecrating by Archan Tia, this very special batch of Sivali will be released on Phapa ritual after another mass chanting ceremony by 10 monks on that day at 8am in the morning, you are cordially invited to witness the Sivali mass chanting ceremony, be sure to reach before 8am.

Want something special yet unique from Archan Tia? What about a 10 years “Patunang” that Archan Tia sit during his meditation, chanting, meeting devotees all these 10 years since the day he build Wat Sungai Siput. This one and the only one “Patunang” is a seat cover that Archan Tia sit for 10 years already, now it has been replaced because it was cracked, those who want it as special collection can donate the amount of RM2000 as Ubosot development funds to get this very unique sacred item of Archan Tia. Interest contact Mr. Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408

That is it for this time, until then see you again on Phapa (31/08/2011). May triple gems bless you all, sadhu!



阿 占爹用了10年的坐垫,也称为禅垫 (Patunang),一般引申为莲花日月金刚座,因为最近裂了所以必须换新的,如果你对这10年的坐垫有兴趣的话,不妨以2千元的结缘方式来贡献给讲经 堂的建造基金。阿占爹打从10年前建庙的那天开始到现在每天都用来坐禅,诵经,会见善信的坐垫,意义深长,值得收藏。此独一无二,饱受加持的“圣物”现在 开放给那些欲结缘的善信以2千元的结缘金作为讲经堂的建造基金。有意结缘者联络Mr. Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408


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