Thursday, July 10, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year (农历新年快乐)

I’m representing myself this time wishing each and everyone of you a very Happy Chinese New Year! Being a Chinese i’m always happy and anticipate for each year’s Chinese New Year, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you from, what you do, what is your religion and weather you are Wat Sungai Siput’s devotee or not, as long as you can read this message, I hope to spread my happiness and joyful to you, I thank you and grateful for the opportunity to get know of you, wishing you a very happy new year ahead, may the year of Bugs Bunny brings us happiness, joyful, healthy, enlighten, wisdom, calm and world peace.

这 一次我代表自己向大家祝福新年快乐。不管你是谁,从哪里来,身在何处,什么种族,信仰什么宗教,只要你读到这篇文章,我愿我的祝贺可以到达你的心坑里,谢 谢与珍惜让你我相识的缘份。佛说,过去的已经过去,不需执着,但愿可以解悟,将来的不可知,无需为此而烦,做好当下才是持续未来的因缘,为此,我在这里祝 大家新的一年可以得到真正的快乐,心灵上的提升,健康的身体,得于智慧与启发,愿世界和平,再加上很俗的一句。。。发啊!!!

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