Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rice Somdej - 2549 (米顺德)

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This batch of Rice Somdej created using rice that eat left by Archan Tia, totally hand crafted by Archan Tia himself, whole piece in  fully rice, very strong. Year made was 2549 (2006), only made 10 pieces, 10 for this somdej and 10 for Pidta (N/A anymore). This is actually a test mold product for the actual Somdej & Pidta (108 herbs) amulet that made available to devotees on the follow year. This rice somdej was kept in the tabat container in Archan Tia room since  the date it was created until now, they were fully consecrated by Archan Tia all these  years, now made available for those who are interest to donate for the development of  Ubosot.

There are only 6 pieces left. This is a good hard to meet opportunity for those who want to collect the old and rare piece of Archan Tia’s sacred item, at the very affordable price. Renting this amulet also means at the same time contributed to the development of Ubosot development. Archan Tia’s sacred items has been proven to be powerful in many aspects by many of his devotees, for the story and testimonial of Archan Tia’s sacred item please log on to the forum. Those who are interest please contact the following person incharge:

  • Archan Tia - 04-7522676, 013-4529368 (Simple hokkien & Thai only)
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408

阿占爹当初在佛历2549年(2006年)只做各10面的顺德以及比达佛牌现在开放给善信们以马币500块的捐助 金来结缘。这批为数只有各10面的顺德以及比达佛用料是阿占爹吃剩米饭,是用当初要来做108种草药的顺德以及比达佛牌的摸型尝试品,完全由阿占爹亲手制 作,只做了20面而已,没有开放给善信们恭请。阿占爹通常把这些旧圣物放在一个叫做 Tabat (化缘器)里,收在他的房间里,阿占爹每天都会在他的房间坐禅开光圣物,这批看起来很不起眼的圣物,实际上多年来饱受经文以及禅功的加持,其法力已经可以 用“巅峰”两个字来形容。同批的米比达已经没有了,只开放这米顺德,数量只剩6面而已,善信的结缘金将会全数用在讲经堂的发展上。有意结缘的可以联络以下 理事:

  • 阿占爹 - 04-7522676,013-4529368(简单的福建话和泰语)
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408


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