Thursday, July 10, 2014

“Song Phit” Festival (泰国鬼节)

Thailand’s ghost month starts with the festival known as “Lap Phit” and end with “Song Pit”. “Lap Phit” is the day to “welcome” the homeless souls from the area nearby to stay in the temple for certain period, while “Song Phit” festival is to send them back, the “Song Phit” event usually bigger than “Lap Phit” and will be joined by people who lived around the temple.

Wat Sungai Siput will be celebrating “Song Phit” on Friday, October 08, 2010. The event start at 9AM, group chanting lead by Archan Tia to offer foods and merits to spirits, then it will be 1 hour of lunch break follow by chanting again, the event will be ending around 2PM. Usually this event only joined by local residents but you are also welcome to take part of this event. If you want to offer foods to spirit you can also bring them over. Also on that day you can see those villagers wearing mask dancing around in the temple, kinda interesting to see, if you are free on that day make sure to drop by and join this special merit-making ceremony.

Photo: Click here

为 期数个星期的泰国鬼节分为两个阶段,第一个阶段的开始为“Lap Phit” 仪式的进行。“Lap Phit” 是迎接那些流连在外的孤魂野鬼前往庙里接受供养,而第二个阶段的仪式称为“Song Phit”,是要送走那些孤魂野鬼。通常 “Song Phit” 的仪式会比 “Lap Phit” 来得隆重,就好像送行一样,使那些孤魂野鬼得到慰籍。

空怀泰佛寺的 “Song Phit” 将会在10月8号星期五, 早上9点钟开始直至下午2点钟结束。仪式开始为阿占爹带领大家诵经回向以及供食给那些孤魂野鬼。12点午餐,过后又是众体诵经。通常只有住在庙附近的泰籍 善信会进行这些仪式,但如果你也有兴趣参与的话也无任欢迎。当天村民会准备祭拜的食物,如果你也要供食的话也可以自己带食物来。当天你也有机会看到有趣的 画面,村民们会戴上面具在庙里跳舞,如果有空的话不访前来参与这别开生面的活动,也是集阴德的良机。


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