Thursday, July 10, 2014

It's In the Corner! (法喜即将)

The chanting session was over, thousands of Nam Kwak & Somdej are available now but they are not available for taking home yet until the day of “Phapa” which on 31/08/2010. They have been chanted for 3 months, longer than it was initially planned. The process of making this batch of amulets goes smooth and I would say it’s a job well done by Archan Tia. From the carefully selected of material to addon material such as using of King Wood powder (which produce the black output) and Topaz, the yellow crystal (only available to Somdej), it produces variety kind of choice for the devotee. Meditated and chanted for long period and been tested under different kind of situation such as test possession (please check the video channel) and 1 week of testing wear by the committee to get the results, according to the committee member who test wear the Nam Kwak for 1 week, they said their business and metta increase a lot, it shows significant improvement which is a good news for the devotee who going to rent this batch of Nam Kwak. Unfortunately test wear is only available to committee member but not open to other devotee, but you can take my words for it, nothing but the truth is telling here, the result is optimized!

So for those who paid for the order, you will get the piece of it on the day of “Phapa” and please if possible, do visit Wat Sungai Siput on that day, not only you get to retrieve / rent the amulet but you also can take part into the grand event of the year, it has several meanings, first it is still in the month of Chinese’s hungry ghost festival, so this make the “Phapa”, the merit-making festival even more meaningful to our ancestor and other spirits, secondly this is also the 10th anniversary of Wat Sungai Siput, you’ll get the chance to celebrate it with Archan Tia in a short event know as cake-cutting, organize by the committee member as the sign of appreciation to Archan Tia for his 10 years of contribution for all of us, thirdly it will be the day for you to retrieve / rent the Nam Kwak & Somdej, as well as the other sacred items that being presented at the amulet counter, also you get to see or participate into the Nam Kwak trance event, something you don’t get to see often. Last but not least, hey, it is a special way of celebrating Merdeka too, don’t you think so? "Phapa" is in the corner! So plan your trip now, come with your friends & family, it will be “heaven” of the day!

这一批即将在8月31号“祖先公德法会”上发布的招财女神以及顺德佛牌已经开光完毕。阿占爹师傅花了长达3个月的时间日以继夜的进行坐禅开光以确保佛牌的 灵性足以保佑供请的善信们,让大家顺顺利利,财源广进,出入平安,身体健康。这一次为了要筹备讲经堂而制造的佛牌,从材料筛选到坐禅开光到佛牌的灵性测 验,每个阶层阿占爹都注入了无比的心思以及心血,尤其是在材料方面,为了要多样化让善信们可以选择,阿占爹各用了不同的材料,这包括加入了“木王粉”以及 黄水晶,所以你所看到较黑的版本是用了大量的“木王粉”而造的,至于背部有壤黄水晶的只有顺德才有。这一次的佛牌总共有5个版本,招财女神方面你会看到有 无色的,黑色的(大量的“木王粉”)以及金色的,背部一律有一颗白米。顺德方面也是有无色的以及黑色的,但背部就有得选择了,你可以要印有经文的或壤有黄 水晶的都可以,但印有经文的版本不多造,是否可以请得到就得看个人的缘分了。

这一次的佛牌制造过程我全程都参与了, 看到了师傅的努力与积极让我非常的感动,也让我学习到非常多宝贵的东西。我可以很确定的跟你说,这一批的佛牌绝对非同凡响,不只是阿占爹花了最多心细来打 造的一批佛牌,也是他花了最长时间来坐禅开光的一批。除此之外其意义也深长,主要是为筹备讲经堂而制,更是空怀泰佛寺成立10周年的纪念,也选择了在8月 31号,即农历七月二十二的“祖先公德法会”上发布,也是我国独立53年的纪念日,我想没有任何一批佛牌可以同时拥有这么多的纪念价值。所以别忘了在8月 31号这天跟朋友或家人前来参加这次别开生面的法会,也让我们以特别的方式来度过8月31号这天,让法喜充满的这天加强了我们的磁场,迎接更加美好的未 来。

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