Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Vision of Archan Tia (阿占爹的宏愿)

Just exactly how well do you think you know Archan Tia? A sakyant master? A creator of amazing life saving scared items? A fortune enhancer, a sacred science magician or anything else? Still not good enough, he is just a very simple yet without a doubt, a Bhikkhu, a yellow robes monk that took vows to follow and spread the teaching of Gautama Buddha. He once said, I cannot fly to convince people to believe in Buddhism, therefore I utility the magic of sacred science to help people, to release them from pain, so that they will remember is the Buddhism temple that they received the help, indirectly introduce Buddhism to them.

Archan Tia ordained as monk at the age of 21 and now its been 21 years of serving for Buddha. Been through lot of hardcore training in the jungle at his early age, obstacle after obstacle for developing Wat Sungai Siput, the road to promote Buddhism never go easy for him. He said “with Buddha sit in our heart, everything will be ok.” How this simple yet powerful sentence would will inspire all of us. Some said he look fierce, well there is always dual fold for a matter, and mutual understanding is very important this is especially true when we may feel vulnerable due to uncertainty.

Self dedicated and hardworking, Archan Tia run the temple with right motivation and right view, that’s very important. He is also highly respected by the member of temple for his integrity, never spend a penny for his personal reason, all the money goes to the development of temple, he said people thought Wat Sungai Siput is rich, infact they don’t know how hard it is to raise fund for temple that located in such a rural area. Archan Tia said he never dares to spend the money of temple for his personal use, for any reason under any circumstances, because he knew this kind of act would bring bad consequences to the karma, from here we can understand that why in 10 years time temple in such a rural area can developed into today’s scale, if not the honest and upright personality of him.

Archan Tia’s vision is very simple, that is to promote Buddhism by all means. Because of him my faith to Buddhism came even stronger, and because of Wat Sungai Siput, we all can learn and exercise the Buddhism teaching.

阿占爹早年前在泰国森林里的苦修,以及来马后建庙的过程阻碍重重,修行这条路考尽了他的毅力,阿占爹说,只要保持正念,佛陀在心中,任何事情都可迎刃而 解。阿占爹师傅精通纹身,制造圣物,解降/增运,风水等都难不倒他,其实他纯粹的只是希望可以借此让更多人认识佛教,他说,我无法在众人面前飞给大家看, 因此我必须借助法力来帮助众生,好让大家的生活比较好过的当儿,可以想起他们曾经在庙里接受过帮助,从而引导他们接受佛教信仰。

他 说,身披袈裟就必须遵守佛戒,这袈裟迟早要还给佛陀的,不是穿爽而已。意思就是说,既然选择了走修行这条路,就必须尽一位和尚该有的责任,度化众生以及发 展佛教。多年来阿占爹积极努力的发展空怀泰佛寺,外人常以为空怀泰佛寺很有钱,阿占爹说其实他们不知道在如此偏僻的地方筹款建庙是多么难的一件事。积极与 努力是阿占爹的特质,持佛戒,行八正道,以佛陀精神来处理庙务,他的清廉更是大家所知道的,他说,他不敢乱花庙里的一分钱,或利用庙的名义来赚取私有,无 论在什么情况下或任何理由都好,因为他知道这将带来非常严重的果报,这也说明了空怀泰佛寺可以在如此贫瘠的地方发展到今天的规模,全凭阿占爹用心打理。外 人常以为阿占爹很凶,其实他只是比较严而已,再者,很多东西是一体两面的,互相明白与了解就会解除不必要的误会。


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