Thursday, July 10, 2014

Real Sample of Sivali Amulet (西哇利的真实样本)

Latest news of Phra Sivali! The long waited Sivali sample has finally arrived at Wat Sungai Siput today. Beautiful crafted into iron sheets, the sample was sent to Archan Tia for the approval process before mass produce into shining gold chopper. This batch of Sivali will be manufactured by a reputed factory in Nakorn, Thailand that specialized in making bucha and amulet.

Archan Tia said it is time for both the beauty and power co-existed together. Most of the amulet that created by Archan Tia previously were handcrafted products, despite its undisputed and proven power capability, the look of amulets were not into perfect shape, take for example the well known Phapa 2010 Nang Kwak and Yok Chor Fa 2011 Khun Pean, testimonial of its great encountered came from many of its worshiper from all around the world but as for its look, honestly not many can accept its rough interface, so for this first batch of Phra Sivali amulet, effort of Archan Tia is to focus on its power as well as its outlook.

The following is the summary and features of 1st batch Phapa 2011 Sivali amulet:

  • 5000 pcs in shining gold chopper (Normal version, RM30 each)
  • Inconjunction with the 42 years old birthday of Archan Tia, 42 units of Kamakan set will be made available to devotees, each set containing 3 pcs of Sivali in 3 colors which is gold, silver and bronze. Each Kamakan set in RM200, only 42 sets are available.

Don’t miss the chance to collect the scared items of Archan Tia, if you are not convince with the power of Archan Tia sacred items, check the testimonial of its wearer posted on the forum. Venerable Archan Tia double mentioned that this batch of Phra Sivali will be good at wealth fetching (consecrate with millionaire Wa Chai Katha), increasing good luck, inviting wealth from many sources as well as other function such as safety protection, metta, good for outdoor sales and etc.

Serious meditated and chanted by Archan Tia together with the blessing of his spiritually master LP Thop, this batch of Sivali amulet will be blessed by miraculous power of Phra Sivali. Archan Tia said if wearer follow and respect the 5 precepts of Buddha, then he/she will always live with full of prosperity, never get poor or having difficult time and full of metta of loving. Pre-order is open now for both the normal unit and kamakan unit. First 42 paid order of kamakan unit will be giving a piece of sivali amulet in gold chopper for FREE. Act now before they are finished! All funds collected will be used on the development of Ubosot and its facility around, because of your contribution the development of temple is made possible, thank you and may you have been blessed well, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

  • Archan Tia - 04-7522676, 013-4529368 (Simple hokkien & Thai only)
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408
西哇利佛牌信息更新!久等了的西哇利真实样本终于有了眉目,今天泰国厂家终于邮寄过来了刻在铁片上的西哇利真实样,美轮美奂,这家在泰国 声誉极好的厂家完全照足了阿占爹的意思去制造这一批将会在8月31号发布的空怀泰佛寺首期西哇利佛牌。阿占爹说,现在是时候让佛牌内在的法力与外在的美观 共同存在。相信大家都知道之前发布的招财女神和坤平将军都广受众善信的好评,这是不争的事实,但其外表就有点抱歉了,因为手工制造,所以阿占爹师傅本身很 看重这一批即将发布的首轮西哇利佛牌,除了佛牌的能力,让善信拥有漂亮精致的佛牌也是阿占爹的心愿。


• 首批发布5000枚,原料是金色铜板,每枚各马币30块。
• 同时也推出了42套“特别纪念版”,为的是要纪念阿占爹42岁的生日。每套共有3枚,颜色为:金色,银色以及铜。每套马币200块。

别 错过了收藏或恭请这一批阿占爹本身很看重的西哇利佛牌。阿占爹的圣物都有极高的法力,常常显灵帮助佩戴者,让很多铁齿的善信们不得不五体投地,深信不疑。 阿占爹说他将会尽全力坐禅开光这一批西哇利,为刻在后面的招财心经注入灵性,并同时也会号召他师父 LP Thop 的祝福以圣法开光西哇利罗汉的法相,让恭请这一批西哇利佛牌的善信们可以财运亨通,广结善缘,出外容易讨生活等。阿占爹说如果佩戴者可以同时实行佛陀的5 戒,那么他/她将会得到西哇利罗汉的更大的庇佑,戴其牌者将不会穷困潦倒,生活将会顺利辛福。


  • 阿占爹 - 04-7522676,013-4529368(简单的福建话和泰语)
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408

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