Thursday, July 10, 2014

Temple Donation Envelope (捐款信封)

Temple donation envelope is another way making contribution to Wat Sungai Siput. Temple envelope has been widely used in most of the Wat (Siam temple) where devotee get the chances to contribute in the amount that afforded by them, there is no limits on how much you can donate its all based on your heart, because the merit of donating RM1 from poor person is equivalent to RM10K from a wealthy person.

I remember I received my first envelope from Archan Tia in 3 years ago, and the amount I donated is just RM50, follow by the “Phapa” on year 2007, I use RM50 to present the Kasaya to other monk on that event and another RM50 to buy an amulet, I contributed RM150 in total but I did helped to distribute the envelope to my family and friends and collected few more hundred, I gathered it and present to Archan Tia on the day of “Phapa”. You see, im not afraiding of letting you to know that how much I donated because like I said it’s all based on your heart and your ability, I know it wasn’t enough because my contribution alone is just 1/6667 from the grand amount of RM1000000 that needed to build that Ubosot. But that’s all I can afford and I did that happily because I know I have did my part and its kind of responsibility that each and every living human being on this society must do to contribute back to something that you have “used” in the past. Through out these years I keep donating to the temple when its ok for me, I did not ask anything for return and I didn’t even ask for receipt! All I do is simply to help, no question asked, no hesitating and no regret. But I did earned something in return throughout these years from Archan Tia, that’s happiness, and improving on personality, I have grown wise, that’s something you cannot learn else where, lot of laughs and no, we did not shed tears together because there is no sadness and negative thought under the big umbrella of Buddha!

So for those who want to do envelope donation please visit Wat Sungai Siput and get the envelope by yourself, please do that before 8/31 and also please help distribute it to your family and friends if possible. For those who want to do donation via online representative please visit and you will find few representative to take your donation.

“空 怀泰佛寺”的捐款信封是另外一种可以让善信们进行乐捐了愿的方式。善信们可以随意的在自己的能力范围以内进行乐捐。其实那信封有另外一种含义,它也是8月 31号“祖先公德法会”的邀请函,因为在每封信封里面会有一张通告,通告里会有法会的时间以及流程,当信封被善信们发布到任何一个人的手上时,那个人就算 是被邀请参加法会了。这是一件极为意义的事情,除了可以捐助帮忙建造“讲经堂”,也可以集公德集福报,也是回馈社会的一种方式。“讲经堂”的用途是为新的 和尚剃度出家,也是阿占爹师傅用来弘扬佛法的地方,让更多人可以了解正宗佛法,渡化更多人,其意义不会比医院、学校或孤儿老人院来得低,是一个非常关键的 建筑物。我不会用“功德无量”这句话来点缀这篇文章,更加不会利用它来说服你去捐款,因为这完完全全是看个人心意的,有说 “穷人的一分钱相等于富人的一百块钱”。佛说渡有缘人,多少都好,尽力而为,发出自内心的才是真正有意思的,才是超越一切文字上可以形容的公德。

多 年来我都在尽我的内力范围以内把钱塞进信封里,或帮忙把信封递给有缘人,为的就是要尽自己的一份力量,虽然数目不多但是尽了力就好。我也从不要求任何的回 报,但努力的向阿占爹师傅学习,这些年来我不知不觉的增长了好多东西,比如增长智慧,开心以及不再执著,我相信这远比增长银行账簿里的数目来得珍贵,说得 俗一点,那可是前往天堂的积分啊,呵呵。

如果有意要捐款的可以亲自到“空怀泰佛寺”向阿占爹师傅索取信封,筹备好了之后可以在8月31号那天的法会上呈交上去。如果不能前来的可以游揽 会有网上的代理人帮你办。祝,安康。

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