Thursday, July 10, 2014

Story of Amulet Continued (圣物显灵圣迹续)

Gold Takrut
After the article “Great Encounters of Amulet” posted up, news after news came just like flying snowflake. I have compiled few to share with everyone here in short, for detailed story please log on to its forum thread.

  • Gold Takrut – Friend of mine, who is also devotee of Archan Tia since year 2000, received gold takrut inserted into both arms at his most downhill time, in 3 years time he gained tremendously improvement in all aspects of life. Gold takrut also saved his life from a terrible car accident, where he hit down 5 small trees and car losing control heading to an artificial lake, but last minute car stopped by itself, just inches away from diving into lake, this incident happened 5 years ago during Christmas eve, his car became a piece of iron scrap because of that accident, many thought he already “KIA”, but he survived with just little scratch. Another advise for not to drink and drive!
  • Somdej (2545) – A devotee from Pahang call Mr. Ng and told the story of his friend, after wearing this Somdej, at night dream of a very old woman came to help him catch all the bad spirit, wake up day after with whole new fresh body!
  • Jumbo Size Takrut – For every sacred items Archan Tia will perform serious consecration using meditation and chanting power, and so with this new invention Jumbo Size Takrut. There was once a time during the chanting of Jumbo Size Takrut, Archan Tia said he consecrate it until his body and mind entering Samadhi stage for 1 hour, his body became stiff in meditation posture cant move for 1 hour then only recovered. This only happened to those who are entered Samadhi level. So for each sacred item of Archan Tia you can rest assure the power is 100% there.

Again, this is for sharing purpose only to spice up the content of the blog, reader discretion is advised! Log on to its forum thread for more story of Archan Tia’s sacred items. May you have been well blessed, sadhu!

Somdej 2545

  • 金铜符 – 这是朋友的故事,他从2000年开始就认识阿占爹,在早期时人生陷入低潮,打了金铜符后在短短的3年内逐渐起色,现在已经非常好了。他最近难忘的经历是, 在5年前的圣诞节前夕,由于醉酒驾车,误撞倒5棵路边的小树,车子失控冲向人造湖,紧急之极的最后一分钟车子突然自己停止前进,只差一点就要掉入湖中了。 他的车子撞成了废铁,很多人以为他准没命了,但他只有一点擦伤。
  • 顺德(2545)- 一位来自Pahang 的善信致电给黄先生告诉了他朋友的故事,话说他的朋友穿了阿占爹在2002年发布的顺德佛牌后,有一天晚上睡觉时梦到有一位老妇女出现在他梦中帮他抓掉所有附在他身上不好的灵体,隔天醒来发现全身舒服无比,整个人轻了许多!
  • 巨型铜管符 – 阿占爹一路来都很认真的开光他的圣物,以确保可以帮到恭请回家的善信。有一回阿占爹在房间坐禅诵经开光巨型铜管符时,突然进入禅定,身子动弹不得长达1句 钟,后来才慢慢恢复。有坐禅习惯的人都知道这是进入禅定才有的状态。由禅功开光的圣物能量非常强劲,加上阿占爹出家修行守戒已长达20多年,其制造出来的 圣物非比寻常。


14cm x 1.7cm Archan Tia Jumbo Size Takrut

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