Thursday, July 10, 2014

TST Strike Again! (虎皮经文牌又救人了!)

01/01/2012 Wat Sungai Siput: A couple from Padang Lembu, Kedah, came to temple to thank Archan Tia for his Tiger Skin Takrut from saving their life in a serious car accident near Perwaja Steel, Gurun. The woman (driver) said she was asleep while driving because of too tired, their car hit the lamppost with high impact, this scary force turned their car into a piece of iron junk, they got suffering total lost of property, but luckily and amazingly both of them unharmed not even a scratch! Get a nap if you are tired, dont sleep and drive! And by the way, Happy New Year 2012 to everybody!

(空怀泰佛寺2012年1月1号讯)  一对夫妻前来寺庙还愿,感谢阿占爹的圣物虎皮经文牌在一场严重的车祸中救了他们俩一命。他们来自吉打州的 Padang Lembu,根据那位妇女的当事者,也是事发时负责开车的司机说,在经过 Gurun 的 Perwaja Steel 工业区时,由于太累了,她就不小心睡着了,车子也因此失控撞向路边的灯柱。强大的撞击力量把他们的车撞成了废铁,但奇迹的是,他俩既然没事,连擦伤都没 有!他们的车子也因此在这次的车祸中完全报销了,但庆幸的是命还在,看来抓交替的还是斗不过阿占爹的虎皮经文牌!困了不驾车,驾车请小心,也在此祝大家2012新年快乐!

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