Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ubosot Launching - Day 4 (开幕讲经堂 - 第四天)

Ubosot launching ceremony successfully completed! Chao Kun Nam of Wat Thepbandit honor the event by cutting off the last sacred cane that hold the“Luk Nimit” stone, after the first stone drop inside the hole infront of Phara Chinnaraj, the bury of “Luk Nimit” stone consider as completed.

9 “Luk Nimit” stones were bury inside Ubosot, this activity was joined by lot of devotees, they are happy to take part of this ceremony. After all stones were buried, everyone need to evacuated to outside of Ubosot for the merit return praying ceremony. The Ubosot launching ceremony is completed at 3PM today, thank you everyone for supporting and helping all these years, without you guys this wont happened, please chant Sadhu to yourself for 108 times! May triple gems and all the devas bless you and your family!

Carabao concert tonight and last ceremony for tomorrow morning will be Phapa event for the newly ordained monks.

讲 经堂的开幕仪式在今天正式圆满结束!砍藤仪式由马来西亚僧王昭坤南主持,第一颗挂在佛祖前的黑石蛋由昭坤南操最后一刀,在黑石蛋掉入洞之后,整个埋石蛋的 仪式正式结束。一共有9颗石蛋埋在讲经堂的周围,很多来自不同地方的善信都参与了这仪式,大家乐此不疲,法喜充满!全部的石蛋都埋好后,大家必须撤出讲经 堂在外面参加公德回向诵经仪式。讲经堂的开幕仪式在中午3点钟左右正式结束,再此感谢大家一路来的支持与帮助,请为你们自己念 “善哉”108次,功德无量!愿三宝保佑大家,祝大家体健安康,发喜自在,福慧无量,早证菩萨,皆共成佛果,善哉!

今晚有 Carabao 的演唱会,明早的最后一个项目就是为新剃度的和尚们做功德法会。

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