Thursday, July 10, 2014

“Yok Sofa Ubosot” (讲经堂龙头开光)

“Yok Sofa Ubosot” is the name of the ceremony to put that structure (as you can see from the photo) on top of the Ubosot building. Just in case if you wonder, the Ubosot is not yet finished, but the Ubosot’s roofing has been completed and fully covered by roof tiles, the structure that pronounces as “Sofa” in Thai need to be implemented upon the completion of Ubosot roof.

This 2 days 1 night events has been scheduled on March 2011, but the exact date can’t be sure yet. The schedule of this 2D1N event as follow:

•    Day 1 (day time) – Blessing & donation events. Wat Sungai Siput will invites few monks from Thailand to run the blessing event, devotees will have the chances to meet those highly skilled monks from Thailand to get blessed, offer saffron robes, donation and etc, all funds collected will be used on Ubosot construction.
•    Day 1 (night time) – Concert by famous & popular singers from Thailand. When I say famous it means only the absolutely named and popular singer that has the official record albums in Thailand. Wat Sungai Siput will sign the 1 night contract with them to have concert in Wat Sungai Siput infront of Ubosot’s open space . Ticket will be opened for sale once the contract has been signed. Funds collected on ticket sales will be used toward Ubosot.
•    Day 2 (day time) – The “Yok Sofa” ceremony to implement the Sofa structure. Local eminent monk will be invited for the ceremony.

And good news for Khun Pean lover, I hope your neck is not over erected because too long of waiting. The long waited “Khun Pean” amulet will be releasing in the same day with the “Yok Sofa Ubosot” event. This special limited 500 pcs only Khun Pean will be available for the devotees to take home on that date. The price is RM150 each and pre-order is available now. To make it easier for everyone, this batch of Khun Pean is only have single version which is 3 crystals at the back and it will also containing the hair of Archan Tia implemented into the amulet. The purpose of applying hair on this batch of Khun Pean is for the protection against all bad things such as bad spirit, accident, small people that spread rumors on you and especially work for safety protection.

If you read from previous articles you will know that this batch of Khun Pean specialized in metta power because of its unique materials such as holy soil from sacred land and the ancient Khun Pean script that pass down by LP Thop. Also not to forget the yant powder, it is so powerful that even apply raw on face will also bring great metta result. Archan Tia said he created this batch of Khun Pean is to hope that it brings good and healthy relationship among peoples, enhance the husband-wife / couple relationship, it will also serve as the “aid-kit” for those who wanted to seek for soul match, but it must not be abusing for other bad purpose. Despite of its not very neat outlook, the power of this batch of Khun Pean will be undoubtedly strong as we learned from the previous successful case of Nang Kwak & Somdej amulet. This hand made Khun Pean will be chanted and meditated by Archan Tia for many days before release to public to make sure that it has enough power to do what it was designed to be! So make sure you don’t miss this opportunity to collect this first ever 500 limited edition of Khun Pean by Archan Tia, a must have aid-kit of metta. All funds collected on Khun Pean will be used on Ubosot building.

“Yok Sofa Ubosot” 是泰语,也许它另有中文的专词,但它的意思大概就是 “讲经堂龙头开光”。此龙头就是指上图你可以看到那类似龙头造型的黄色东西,虽然讲经堂 (Ubosot) 还没有完全造成,但讲经堂的屋顶现在已经盖好了且全部都已覆盖着瓦片了,也就是说是时候该把那龙头开光后挂上去了。明天3月空怀泰佛寺即将举行2天一夜的 活动,活动的名称就是 “Yok Sofa Ubosot”,虽然正确的日期还无法定下来,但其活动项目将有如以下:

•    第一天(白天)- 空怀泰佛寺将会邀请多名从泰国而来的高僧前来为众善信进行祈福,颂经,开运/补运等一些仪式。善信们也可以在这期间供袈裟或为讲经堂捐款。全部所得将会用于讲经堂的建造上。
•    第一天(晚上)- 空怀泰佛寺将会邀请来自泰国的著名歌星前来献唱。将被邀请的歌手是在泰国当红的歌星,是真正在泰国有发片的。空怀泰佛寺将会与那歌手签1晚的约以在本地表 演。但由于正式的签约还没进行,因此演唱的日期还无法定下来,等签约好了我们将会另行公布以及售卖门票。门票所得将会纳入讲经堂的建造基金。这是一般暹庙 的作风,既是在讲经坛快要完成之前,或完成之后将举行歌台演唱,以门票收入的方式来为讲经堂筹募建造基金。这将会是空怀泰佛寺空前绝后的盛事,我们热烈的 欢迎大家的参与,除了可以感受到现场那热闹沸腾的气氛,也可以当作是在捐助讲经堂。
•    第二天(白天)- “讲经堂龙头开光”仪式。空怀泰佛寺将邀请本地的高僧前来主持开光仪式。

除 此之外,让人引颈长等的 “人缘至尊坤平将军佛牌”也传来了佳音。配合明年3月即将举行的“讲经堂龙头开光”法会上,空怀泰佛寺将会同时间推出这首批500尊限量版的坤平将军佛 牌。善信们可以在当天前来空怀泰佛寺参加法会后顺便恭请回家。这批坤平将军佛牌的结缘价为马币150令吉,只有一个版本,就是每尊佛牌的背部将会有3颗水 晶以及阿占爹师傅的头发。这批拥有阿占爹师傅头发的坤平佛牌极为特别,其功用主要是可以避险,比如意外,避开不好的灵体以及访小人。

如 果你有读取之前所写的文章的话,这一批预料将会在人缘功能上表现得超强的坤平佛牌,其用料极为特别用心,除了千辛万苦采纳而到的圣土之外,还加了水晶宝 石,108草药,香精以及经过多篇念经而制成的石灰经文粉,加上阿占爹日以继夜的坐禅念经开光,以阿占爹的师父LP Thop所传下来的坤平古经文来为这一批坤平佛牌注入了超强无比的人缘功效,让佩戴的善信们可以带来意想不到的好人缘。阿占爹说他希望恭请的善信可以好好 的利用它来改善人缘关系,比如人与人的关系,同事之间的关系,夫妻 / 情侣之间的关系,或让那些欲求得伴侣的善信们可以得到好姻缘,而不是拿来滥用在不好的用途上。和之前所发布的招财女神以及顺德佛牌一样,这一批坤平佛牌也 将会是手工制造,外表虽然不怎么精致,但其能量将会和之前阿占爹所制造出来的圣物一样,都是公认了的高效果。这一批500尊限量版的坤平佛牌将会是绝佳的 人缘辅助工具,绝对不容错过。所筹得将会做为讲经堂的建造基金。


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