Thursday, July 10, 2014

Trance (众神起舞)

Year 2012 of Wai Kru festival at Wat Sungai Siput has been successfully done yesterday. This year we had manage to raise RM24300 for the total amount of donation and all will be directly support in our new development which is Meditation Centre.  Lot of devotees came to pay homage this year. On this day, some of the devotees came back to Wat Sungai Siput although they stay from very far away, we can see from them throughout this that distance doesn’t matter, but is the sincerity that counts.

Same as previous year, a tent was setup outside of main hall for the conveniently of those who like to get in trance because mostly those who get in trance will run wild so open space is more suitable to “set them free.”. There are already lots of wai kru article so im not going to write more on it, if you haven’t figure out what is wai kru then make sure you check the previous and last year’s article.


和去年一样,空怀泰佛寺在主坛外塔起了个临时的帐篷,为了要方便那些可以在诵经仪式时被上身的信徒有个开放的奔跑空间, 而坛内则给那些喜欢安静的接受加持的善信们,所谓外武内文,阿占爹都周到的为众善信们设想。由于之前已发布过很多有关拜师法会的文章了,所以这一次我就不 想再浪费时间在这篇文章上,那些对拜师法会还不是很了解的请看去年的文章。如果有缘,我们在下一年见!祝福大家安康,每年都成长进步,增长智慧与知识,善 哉,善哉,善哉!

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