Thursday, July 10, 2014

Examine of "Strange Phenomena" (显灵现象解析)

Picture 1: Strange white light
This is the "strange phenomena" captured during the Puthapisheh Chinnaraja ritual held on second day (02/03/2012) of Ubosot Launching inside the Ubosot building. Look at the bright white line in circle above the head of CK Nam while he is lighting up the candles.

Although the camera flash is on during the photo shooting session but there is no object there to reflect the light, note that there were 9 saisin (white string) connected to the Chinnaraja statue but if you zoom the picture bigger you will see 9 strings were there, which mean none of them causing the reflection of that strange white light.

Also i had examined all the photos, its not cause by the leaf of sugarcane, because they were placed far from the statue of Chinnaraj. Now look at 2 photos below:

Picture 2: Snake in the air?
Picture 3: Nope, its sugarcane leaf!
If you see there is a snake shape object in Picture 2, actually it was caused by the leaf of sugarcane, so this is nothing special. And note that there is a distance between those sugarcane leaf and Chinnaraj statue. Now check the video below, you can see there is absolutely NOTHING on top of CK Nam while he is lighting up the candles.

Honestly, I didnt notice the strange white light until i gave the photos to AC Tia last 2 weeks. After he pointed out to me and asked me to develop a bigger size of photo to be displayed out in the temple, i still have doubt and thought that it might cause by reflection of object but today when im free i started to examine everything and feel that its kind of strange and not because of reflection or by any coincident, so i share it here. Btw, it is certainly not my Photoshop skill, i wont cheat on such sacred ritual like that. Lastly check the photo below, the eyes of AC Tia turned sharp, not because he stare on the candle light, that keep extinguish because of strong wind, but he said he saw something on top on the amulets, he asked if i got captured anything, i said nope, i js captured the amulets placed in the center before the ritual starting, and during the chanting ritual i didnt took any photo of it, i said hey, i js want to record the ritual, but not intended to capture any "strange phenomena" :)

Picture 4: Its a bird? Its a plane? No its devas! :)
Melayu: Klik Sini

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