Thursday, July 10, 2014

Every Day is a Good Day (天天好天)

[Original from:]

“Every day is a good day” is a simple statement, but very few know its real meaning. The “good day” does not refer to a nice day as compared to a bad day. It means the absolute, not the relative, day. Today is the absolute day, the only day in the eternity of time. Today is never repeated. Every day is fresh and new just as one’s life is new each day. Every day is a good day, but the good is not of one’s own making. It is good in the original, or absolute, sense—rain or shine, war or peace, sickness or health. The past is only reference; the future is only hope. Today is real.

Editor’s Note: This is from Rev. Gyomay Kubose’s book "Zen Koans." Reprinted by permission of the author.

”Every day is a good day” is what my 11 years old nephew posted on his blog, he setup his first blog recently and I saw from one of his post quoted this sentence. I don’t know where he learned it, probably from the local movie that he watched recently. I was surprised reading this sentence, its full of philosophy and truth of life, I didn’t know that he actually like that sentence so much because from my impression he is just a facebooker and gamer everytime when he came to my house and stick with my computer. I never actually taking serious on this sentence, its simple yet complex, I believe its originally quote from the dharma teaching. I hate to quote the old fashion “don’t ignore the little things in your life” but indeed this time I have come to learn something very meaningful from my young little nephew.

“天 天好天” 虽然是句非常简单的词,但却很少人知道它真正的意思。“好天” 在这里并不是以 “倒霉的一天” 来做区别或比较,而它真正的意思却是说这一天,是在我们的生命中就只有这么一天(今天),非常的一天,是独一无二的。今天如果逝去了,就不会再回来,所以 每天当我们醒来的那一刻,就因该把这天当作是全新的一天,生命的新开始。虽然我们无法完全的掌控新的一天,但无论是晴天或雨天,战争或天下太平,病痛在身 或健康的身体,这一天却是新的一天,应抱于积极乐观的态度去面对它。过去的已成为历史,只能做参考了,未来才是希望。今天,这非常特别的一天,是好天,就 从今天开始!天天好天!

为什么会突发奇想的想把这一篇文章跟大家分享呢?原因是我那就读小学6年级的外甥最近弄了个 部落格,里面的其中一篇文章他就写到了 “天天好天”。也许最近他去看了本地电影 《天天好天》 而学到了这句话,但还是令我感到非常的震撼,一位只有11岁的小学生却有如此积极乐观的想法,让我这 “大人” 汗颜。每次看他来到我家不是上面子书就是玩线上游戏,除了好玩的一面,原来他也有自己的 “生活哲理”,虽然简单但引人深思。“天天好天” 应该是从禅里引用出来的,佛理原来无处不在,我今天算是从我的外甥那边上了这一课。

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