Thursday, July 10, 2014

Photos & Stories (图片与故事)

The Lost Spirit
A great mother brought her son came long all the way from Malacca to Wat Sungai Siput today to seek help from Archan Tia. Her son, a 19 years old teenager, was good and normal before 9 years old, since then he act "abnormally", he became quiet, feeling numb to everything and anti-social, local medium told her that her son lost one of the spirit (Normal human being possessed three souls and seven spirits). Archan Tia start with floral bath to purity his soul and then a ritual to call back his lost spirit. Archan Tia also asked him to practice mediation back home. Hopefully he will be ok slowly.

一 位伟大的母亲带了她的孩子千里迢迢的从马六甲来到空怀泰佛寺寻求阿占爹的帮助。据说,他在9岁前都很活泼正常,但从此以后就变得很自闭,消沉寡言,而且对 周围的事都没有什么反应。根据当地的灵煤说,这孩子少了七魄中的一魄(平常人有三魂七魄)。阿占爹先给他冲花凉来洗刷负能量,然后再给他做个招魄仪式。阿 占爹师傅也交代他要多多学习打坐。希望这孩子回家后可以慢慢的好转。

Hardcore Devotee
Devotee of Archan Tia since 10 years back until now, wearing LP Thop and Archan Tia's amulet & takrut all over his entire body covered from upper to bottom part including sakyant and gold takrut on his skin! What a better word to describe beside of "EXTREMELY HARDCORE"

阿占爹的忠实粉丝,追随阿占爹已10年有余了,前身上下都是阿占爹以及阿占爹的师父(銮波托普)的佛牌与铜管符,这还不包刮身上的经文以及金管符。4个字 “极度硬核”!

Forest Monk
We all know that Archan Tia is forest monk background, but we hardly see his "action" in the jungle, so today some photos for you to take a little peak on how he is "integrate" with forest :)

我们都知道阿占爹是森林派的和尚,但却没有机会看过他在森林里的时候,今天这几张照片就让你一睹阿占爹在森林里的 “风采” :)

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