Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sivali It Is! (就是西哇利)

If last year’s Phapa featured by Nang Kwak the female goddess of wealth, which has became famous among its devotees because of its efficiency in bring the fortune, then for the coming Phapa of this year, Sivali will come to bring even more wealth to us! Made no mistake about it, beside of Nang Kwak, Sivali is the ultimate money generating machine, a must have amulet and its always great to be added to your collection!

The Sivali amulet that will release on this coming Phapa will be mass produce by factory in Thailand, 5000 pcs will be created including the Kamakan set. Checkout the following prototype  that created by Archan Tia, as you can see front side is Sivali with 5 symbol, start from the very first symbol at top it read as “Ma”, meaning “invite all” and the 4 symbol below read as “Na Ca Li Ti”, the khata to bring wealth, as for the wording at bottom read “Wat Sungai Siput”. Backside has another 4 symbol represent great khata for wealth, in Thai this kind of khata is known as “Wa Chai Khata”, which mean the essential of khata to bring wealth, as for that big symbol im pretty sure you already familiar with it, which the symbol of “NamoBuddhaya”. Archan Tia said the essential of khata at the back is actually the core of power to bring wealth, if consecrate with the ancient spells that pass down by LP Thop, it will have great power in bringing wealth to the wearer. When asking about what it is different than Nang Kwak, which one is more powerful in bringing wealth, Archan Tia said although Nang Kwak also consecrated with “Wa Chai Khata” of wealth, but still Nang Kwak is female goddess, this kind of Khata is more suitable to implement into male deity, perfectly suite for deity god like Sivali. Archan Tia said the power will be 99.99%, sounds promising isn’t it, and he mentioned again that don’t forget to come back donate to Ubosot building if you did made great fortune because of it.

Archan Tia said, Sivali was an enlightenment monk that live in the same era of Buddha Gotama, he was praised by the Buddha as the most miraculous monk for fortune, and since he looked just like Buddha, people always misrecognise him as Buddha Gotama, so he transformed himself into a fat and ugly monk, which has later known as Sangkachai by people. Archan Tia said the Sivali amulet will be very good at attracting wealth and enhance ones fortune and metta, but since its deity of monk, so the wearer must also treat him respectfully as taking care of other amulet which has monk deity on it. The amulet will be released for this 8/31 Phapa event, pre-order is not open yet until we receive the sample send by the manufacturer from Thailand.

时间飞逝,转眼间一年又过去了,一年一度的“祖先公德法会”又即将来临。去年在“祖先公德法会” 上发布的招财女神广受好评,众多的善信自从佩戴了阿占爹的招财女神后好运连连,财运亨通,而且很多不相信这一套的人抱着姑且一试的心态,恭请了招财女神之 后都发生了显著的效果,让他们都啧啧称奇,纷纷的结群回来庙里还愿以及捐助正在兴建中的讲经堂。今年的“祖先公德法会”阿占爹又会为大家带来什么好康呢? 如果去年是以招财为主,那今年也不惶多让,同样来个招财,而且是以更加强劲,更加给力的方式,来为众善信带来更大的财富,今年,西哇利将会打开财库之门, 以金银珠宝来跟大家结缘!

阿占爹说,今年8月31号的“祖先公德法会”将会发布西哇利佛牌。佛牌的造型与设计都由阿 占爹亲自策划,草本次将会交由给泰国的厂方以打造出精致漂亮的佛牌,佛牌将会以金色为主,数量为5000面,估计在7月中将会送会庙里好让阿占爹有更充沛 的时间进行诵经开光。佛牌的造型与设计就有如草本上所描述的一般,前为西哇利的法相以及5个经文,分别为 “Ma”(上方,意思是招来全部) 以及“Na Ca Li Ti”(四周,招财的咒语),而下方的泰国字译为“空怀泰佛寺”。佛牌后面也印有4个经文,以及一个我们时常都可以看到的“NamoBuddhaya”经 文图腾。阿占爹说后面的那4个经文大有文章,来头可不下,这可是力量强大的“招财心经”,心经在泰语读为“Wa Chai Khata”,这种心经几乎在所有招财的圣物上都会用到,一旦经过认真的坐禅诵经开光,为此招财心经注入力量与灵性,那么它就会发起作用,为恭请者带来绵 绵不绝的财富。当问及此心经是否也用在去年发布的招财女神佛牌上,要不然为什么招财女神佛牌会如此的灵验,阿占爹说是的,虽然此心经也有用招财女神上,但 毕竟招财女神是位女神,此招财心经其实更加适合用在拥有男性法相的佛牌上,如西哇利,其效果会更加的显著,如果用在招财女神上,其发挥度为80%,那么如 果用在西哇利圣僧上,其发挥度可高达99.99%!看来这即将发布的西哇利佛牌实在是值得期待!

阿占爹说,西哇利生 在佛陀世代,跟随着佛陀一起修行,是位得道高僧,而且佛陀曾经说过西哇利与生俱来就带有巨大的财富,是一位非常有福报的人。在那时候,由于西哇利长得很像 佛陀,导致很多人往往错认他为佛陀,这让西哇利感到非常的苦恼,因为尊敬的师尊在上,他丝毫不敢有任何冒犯的意思,因此他就利用神通,把自己变成又肥又 丑,也是后人所认知的“善迦财”了。阿占爹说,佩戴西哇利的人将会财源滚滚,但不要忘记他是一位和尚,是佛陀的子弟,因此要佩戴者要更加的尊敬对待,就有 如对待所有拥有和尚法相的佛牌一样。

金光闪闪的精致外表加上力量强大的招财心经以及如次精彩引人入胜的经典,即将发 布的西哇利佛牌实在让人充满了曈憬,这绝对是大家不可错过的收藏机会。阿占爹笑着说,希望那些发了财的善信们不要忘了回来庙里捐助讲经堂,预期明年3月落 成的讲经堂还需要庞大的经费,希望借着西哇利的力量,来为众善信带来更多的财富以便大家可以凑出更多的钱好让讲经堂可以顺利完成,此乃大公德一件啊。佛牌 预定在目前还没有开放,等泰国的厂方送来了样本之后就会再跟大家更新。

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