Thursday, July 10, 2014

Portable Birthday Takrut (便携式的生日铜符)

Bury under / 下埋式
Inconjunction with the Ubosot & Kutti fundraising and also based on the demand of devotees, beside of bury under Birthday Takrut, the portable Birthday Takrut is also now available, devotees now have the chance to carry home the personal customization version of Birthday Takrut. As name implies, personal Birthday Takrut is only works with the owner, because it contains your personal info inside the takrut, it will help to boost up your energy and slowly enhance your luck, it is also best at preventing kongtao and bad spirits. Archan Tia said if your Birthday Takrut wears by other people then only the general function of danger protection will work, the rest of the functions wont work, because this Birthday Takrut only “recognize” its owner. The details of Birthday Takrut as follow:

  • Bury under BT – RM99/each, March next year bury under Buddha seat at Ubosot launching ceremony
  • Portable BT – RM1000 each, available 1 month upon order confirmation.

It is recommended that to have both Birthday Takrut, 1 to be buried under and 1 to carry home, so both of them can be “connected”. Like all the rest of sacred items, all funds collected goes to the development of Ubosot and Kutti. Interest please contact Mr. Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408, bury under deadline is end of this year, portable no deadline.

Portable version / 便携式
为了讲经堂以及和尚宿舍的筹款以及善信们的要求,空怀泰佛寺阿占爹师傅现在推出便携式的生日铜符。除了之前发布的生日铜符, 现在善信们可以拥有佩戴型的生日铜符。阿占爹说,佩戴属于个人的生日铜符可以有效的达到增运/补运、防小人/降头以及改善个人磁场的效果。属于个人的生日 铜符只能在主人的身上发挥作用,如果别人拿去佩戴的话,只能达到一般的防险作用,其他功能一概无法发挥。有关生日铜符的结缘资料如下:

  • 种在佛陀莲花座下的 – 马币99块,明年3月讲经堂开幕时下埋在讲经堂里的佛陀莲花座下
  • 佩戴型的 – 马币1000块,预定后的一个月可以拿回家

如果可以的话最好是结缘一个种在佛陀莲花座下的以及佩戴型的,以达到“里外对应”的极佳效果。和其他圣物一样,所筹得将会做为讲经堂以及和尚宿舍的建设基金,希望有能力或愿意帮助到筹款的善信们可以大力支持。有意结缘者无论是下埋或佩戴型的联络 Mr. Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408,下埋式截止日期为年尾,佩戴型没有截止日期。

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