Thursday, July 10, 2014

12 zodiac yant Krok Pet phayant (12生肖钻石经文符布)

In coming Chinese New Year 2013, Archan Tia will release the 12 zodiac yant Krok Pet phayant as dharma gift to all visitors. Devotees can get trance by holding this phayant when Archan Tia invites the devas. This phayant will enable devotee to trance any devas or animal which they think inside their heart such as haluman, tiger, phra phrom etc. For those devotees who do not want to get trance, you can put this phayant inside your wallet or house for protection, wealth and act as luck booster.
The requirement for trance is: At least 20 peoples in a group and start at 2pm (10th February 2013 to 19th February 2013 only).
*As long as the group is big enough, Archan Tia will invite the devas at anytime. 

More info:
Name: 12 zodiac yant Krok Pet phayant
Number made: -
Function: Overall protection, wealth, luck booster.
Descriptive: This is the phayant will given out as dharma gift to visitors during Chinese New Year 2013.
Spiritual incident: This phayant will enable devotee to trance any devas or animal which they think inside their heart.
Current status: Available on 10th February 2013 (1st day if Chinese New Year)
Donation: Thamboon/ Donation
Purposes: All funds will be focus on the Meditation Hall of Wat Sungai Siput. This also allowed devotees which did not have any sakyant to have a chance to trance.

然而,基本的需求是:法会将会在2点开始(2013210日至 2013219日而已)和至少要20人一组。


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