Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Khun Pean Materials (人缘至尊坤平将军之圣土水晶篇)

Like we understand from the previous post, Wat Sungai Siput will feature its first batch 500 limited edition of Khun Pean amulet. To made this Khun Pean, several kinds of auspicious materials such as the holy metta soil was collected today deep inside from the jungle near the border of Thailand where it took 1 and half hours of travel by car then 3 hours (not 30 minutes as expected previously) of small boat crossing the river. Archan Tia didn’t go to collect the holy soil personally but it was done by 2 local Siam committee members joined by one of the Archan Tia’s discipline.

According to them, when they reached the spot they notice there are many animal’s footprint on the group, because they are familiar in jungle hunting, they can easily distinguished type of animal that been here before, they can see elephant, tiger, jungle pig, rabbit and even snake track on the ground. As they get closer to the spot they feel very hot and their cloth all wet because of heavy sweating, according to them, they feel like walking on the burning ground, there is a heat coming out from underground, they have to work very carefully and spent many hours to collect a bag of holy soil. They said they cannot understand one thing which is, with such a heat in that area, why those animals still can overcome the heat and go there to have their meal, this is something very indecipherable. Also something very odd happened during the collection of holy soils, when they want to capture the picture and video from the spot where they collecting the soil, they notice their cellphone’s battery was running out and this happened to all 3 persons on that trip!
Archan Tia said this is exactly the holy soils that he wants, it is perfectly for making metta type of amulet like Khun Pean because it already has nature power by itself then only it can attracted animals to there and it is extremely difficult to find such soils because it located deep inside the jungle on the very mysterious location where normal people cannot reach easily. This is what make the holy soils so precious and it was written down in the ancient script where 7 location of such holy soils are required to made Khun Pean, but Archan Tia said 1 location should be enough because it is very difficult to find 6 more locations that containing this kind of soils. Moreover, Archan Tia added many special materials such as the high quality natural crystal from India, these crystals are pink crystal (good for metta and highly effective in attracting opposite sex), yellow crystal (increase one’s charm) and obsidian stone (keep devils and vile people away). Not to forget the sacred charming powder collected form the hand drew Khun Pean yant using lime stick, Archan Tia said this sacred power was so sacred and if worshippers applied the powder onto the face, lovers would be attracted.

Archan Tia will mediate and chant with the ancient Khun Pean spells pass down by his master LP Thop for 18 days to make sure this limited edition of Khun Pean get fully consecrated and become highly efficacy in metta so that the wearer can take advantages on improving the relationship with people, naturally attract the opposite sex, increase and gain one’s charm and easily successful in everything you do. The Khun Pean will out end of this year if not before March next year, be sure to check back later because this masterpiece in metta is something you do not want to miss!


为 了可以让佩戴者达到显著的效果,这一批的坤平将军在用料上极为特别,尤其是在加圣土这一部分,它的采集过程已经显示出它的与众不同, 奇异之处。之前提到,这一批的坤平将军将会加入特别的圣土,为了要采集这些圣土,当地的暹人代表带了阿占爹的徒弟们驱车行驶了一个半小时的车程,然后再坐 了长达3个小时(非30分钟如之前所以为的)的小划船渡河,来到了靠近泰国边界的一个森林里去寻找采集这些圣土。根据他们说,当他们到达那块圣土的地方 时,发现了许多动物的脚印,有大象,老虎,山猪,狐狸,白兔,甚至连蛇的痕迹都有,由于他们都惯于在森林里活动,因此根据他们的经验可以分辨出有哪些动物 来过这地方。根据他们说,当越来越靠近那块区域的时候就感觉到非常的热,大家都汗如雨下,湿透了他们的衣服,而且脚底下感到非常炎热,就好像走在被铐热的 泥土一样,必须步步为营,花了很长的时间才采集到一个泥袋般大小的圣土。他们说,如果有鸡蛋的话,放在那块地的上面绝对可以在短时间内煮熟,一点也不夸 张。神奇的是,当地却有许多动物的脚印,难道它们都不怕热吗?更加神奇的部分是,由于我无法跟他们前往采集那些圣土,因此阿占爹吩咐他们也顺便的把过程拍 摄下来然后交给我,但到了那边的时候他们全行3个人的手机皆同时没有了电池!因此也不能拍摄到采集时的情景,可惜之际,也相当的灵异。

阿 占爹说这正是他要的圣土,古代传下来要制造坤平将军佛牌的秘诀中就是要找到符合这些条件的圣土,因为它本身已经具有强大的天然磁场以及一些天然的灵气,又 身藏在这么隐秘而且在这么严苛的环境下,因此它们是非常珍贵的,也非常的适合拿来当坤平将军的材料。阿占爹说,如果加上古咒语的灌注以及配合在一些其他的 原料上,所做出来的坤平将军佛牌的灵力将会到达巅峰的状态!

除了以上所说的圣土以外,这一批的坤平将军佛牌的背面也 将会加入来自印度的高品质天然水晶。这些水晶分辨是粉晶(功效:人缘、异型缘)黄水晶(功效:提升自身魅力、增加贵气)以及黑耀石(功效:避邪、化小 人)。由此可见,为了打造这一批版灵力超凡,限量版的坤平将军,阿占爹在用料上采用转自古代秘方,以手写提炼到的坤平经文石灰粉,再加上犹如传说中才找得 到的罕有圣土以外,也加入了水晶,香精,玛瑙粉,火山石粉这些比较近乎于“现代”流行的能量物质,再用强劲的以及独有的古经文配合长达18天的坐禅开光加 持,大大提升了佛牌的感应力以及灵力度,让佩戴者可以招来人缘,异性缘,提升自身魅力,令倾慕的对象念念不忘,避邪僻险,做起事情来可以达到事半功倍的效 果。无论是收藏或佩戴,这一批将会在年尾,最迟明年3月前发布的500尊限量版“人缘至尊,坤平将军”绝对是佛牌爱好者不可错过的恭请机会!

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