Thursday, July 10, 2014

10 Years in Retrospect (10年的回顾)

Never forget how it started, it was started with that crude cabin that you can see from the picture,  where Archan Tia built by himself using the most basic material that he can found from the jungle nearby and the building skill that he learned while he was a forest monk back in the time while he was in Thailand. Archan Tia use it to run the daily routine such as religion ritual, blessing as well as providing class for local Thai kids and of course, a shelter for himself. Today after 10 years Wat Sungai Siput has developed into a medium size of temple, it is now much better but still not good enough, it is still a small size and under development temple, still far from what a standard Thai temple should be.

You see my friends, one could never achieved what he has accomplished if it lack of truth, believing, dedication and most importantly a heart with love and kindness. Archan Tia once said, he who possessed a clear mind, rational, love in heart, kind, humble, hardworking, dedicated,  non-selfishness, overcome himself and follow exactly the way of Buddha will achieved what he want to accomplish, devas will be assisting you, your work will be marked in the heaven above.

This year’s 10th “Phapa” event on 8/31 is a day that you don’t want to miss, it is a day of bliss, day where you witness the development of Ubosot and a day where your ancestor get transcendent and tranquilized.

空怀泰佛寺的10周年纪念必须从10年前的那间简陋 亚答屋开始记载。。。那天和阿占爹在门口闲聊,他抬起头看着布告栏上贴着的黄旧照片说,10年前什么都没有,只有自己建的那间亚答屋,最怕遇到下雨天,每 当下雨时就会很忙,因为要忙着拿盆子盛雨水,以免雨水湿透了地板。学生上课,宗教仪式,坐禅以及睡觉到在那里,一个你无法想象的生活空间,阿占爹师傅却把 它发挥到淋漓尽致,靠着的是一位高僧该拥有的那股坚持不渝以及伟大的精神,以佛陀的精神和教育重整贫岭,把曾经的荒野变成今日佛光普照的大地,以己为例, 感化世人,普渡众生。10年过去了,今天的空怀泰佛寺不再拥有该亚答屋的影踪,换我感慨的时候,我对他说,如果那间亚答屋还没有拆而保留至今不知有多好, 他听完后微笑着看着我,然后抬起头来继续欣赏他多年来的杰作。

要 在这里建庙其实不容易,只有50几户贫穷的泰籍村落,多年来的建设都得靠外资助,如果阿占爹是一位寂寂无名的僧人,其信徒就不会遍布新马各地,空怀泰佛寺 也就不会发展到今日的规模,当然说不上堂皇,但总好比那间简陋亚答屋好得多了。他曾经说过,只要坚信佛陀,心存好念,舍己为人,不自私,谦虚好学,脑袋思 索清晰,以理服人,就会有出头的一天,每个人都一样,通过自己努力的内修加上仙佛的加持,谁都可以达到他要的东西。阿占爹身怀传自于他师父的绝技,但全身 上下却没有半点所谓的 “江湖味”,要不是他的精彩事迹以及他的圣物像神话一般精彩的真实救人故事,我想如果走在街上你也不会多看一眼。套句老话,山不在高,有仙则名,何必千里 迢迢到泰国去找高僧,你要的圣物,你要的佛理,你要的活生生的例子,全部都可以在空怀泰佛寺阿占爹的身上找得到,用你最熟悉的语言,在你最亲切的土地上, 以你的最方便来的得到最高深的智慧。空怀泰佛寺是阿占爹建的第5间庙(其他4间都在泰国,我以后会把有关的故事告诉大家),也是最后他本身主持的一间庙, 他的到来绝对是个缘分而非其它,也是我们的福分。


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