Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wai Kru 2014 (拜师法会 2014)

Archan Tia’s yearly important ceremony Wai Kru is in the corner! During this day it will be crowded by devotees that came from all over the nation some even from overseas, they all came here to receive blessing from Archan Tia. Some even came here early in the morning to avoid the long queue; they all loved to get blessed by Archan Tia’s lersi mask. It is also the day where the deity or spiritual devas will crowded because during this day the master of Archan Tia which is LP Thop and all other devas also will be presented in the area.

This year is the 14th of Wai Kru, although there are having some crisis on the temple matter, but it won’t affect the passion of Archan Tia and devotees to celebrate it. From the earlier’s attap house to become one of the significant temple in Kedah and turn again to become a Samnak. Archan Tia had faces a lot of obstruction but he still willing to service the mankind with all his sincerity.

So, this year, Wai Kru will be held at the Tam Nak Phu (master's house). It was located beside the barber shop.

Welcome to the Wai Kru event. Your kind contribution and good deeds are unfailing investments, thank you and may triple gems and LP Thop bless you all, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

阿占爹的拜师法会(Wai Kru)正在接近中,每年的51号这一天都会挤满了人潮,有些甚至一大早就报到,为的是要避免排长龙,抢先提前接受阿占爹的鲁士头加持,因为在这灵气逼人的一天,无论是阿占爹的师傅(LP Thop),或来自天上,或者还在人间修行的神灵们都会在周围接受善信们的供养,也会借此加持诚心前来祈福的善信们


今年的拜师法会将会在 Tam Nak Phu (师傅的屋子)举行。地点是在理发店旁的屋子。

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