Thursday, July 10, 2014

Light Up The Temple (烛光下的佛寺)

Khao Phansa at Wat Sungai Siput indeed was a beautiful night where all the candles light up the dark and turn the heart as bright as the light of candle and as beautiful as the night of Wat Sungai Siput. The event started with chanting and it took up most of the time, besides chanting, Archan Tia as the abbot of Wat Sungai Siput also did reporting and announcement to the devotees for the financial statement and also other relevance matters to the temple. After the reporting he also gave advise to his student monk for the rules and restrictions and also guide the student monk and devotees how to do meditation, we then spent about 10 minutes practicing meditation inside the hall. It is necessary for an abbot of the temple to guide the other monks and devotees on how to follow the way of Buddha teaching at the night of Khao Phansa. After that it was a series of chanting session again then only follows by light up the candle and surrounding the temple in circle for 3 times, the circling done with sticking the bundle of flowers, joss stick and candle into the small sand dune in front of temple, as you can see from the picture.

It was raining cat & dog early in the afternoon and stopped around 4pm, and 20 minutes after the ritual finished, at 10PM the moment I look at the clock when I about to go home, it started to rain again. The ritual was done smoothly without being interrupted by a single drop of water, simply amazing. It was a simple but meaningful night of Wat Sungai Siput where it marks the beginning of 3 months period’s Phansa. I’m happy to have participated into such event, a truly remarkable day of my life.

Photo: Click Here
Video: Part 1     Part 2     Part 3

空 怀泰佛寺的“守夏节”仪式在昨晚顺利完成。仪式开始为诵经,间中阿占爹师傅也教导他的和尚徒弟们比如说要如何守戒,还教大家要如何的坐禅,这是仪式中最重 要的一个环节之一,身为空怀泰佛寺的主持,阿占爹师傅有责任要把佛陀的教诲传给大家。但大多数的讲解以泰语传送,因为当天出席的善信们有95% 都是当地的暹人居民。诵经在“守夏节”的整个仪式中占据了大部分的时间,最后才是由师傅点燃蜡烛带领着大家环绕庙寺3圈,这也称为巡烛仪式,也是仪式的最 高潮。阿占爹跟大家说,在环绕庙寺时要行 “步禅”,心中要念 “Phut-Tho”,第二圈跟第三圈也要各默念其咒语(我暂时忘了第二圈跟第三圈的咒语)。最后是把握在手中的花以及香烛插在堆积在庙寺前的小沙丘上, 然后阿占爹师傅再为大家做最后一次的诵经,整个“守夏节”仪式才算完成。空怀泰佛寺的“守夏节” 仪式说起来应该是有受到老天的眷属,因为过午后就一直下雨直到4点多时雨才停,仪式完毕后30分钟,正当我要回家时又开始下起雨来。

简 单但庄严,美丽不奢华,空怀泰佛寺的这一夜是最漂亮的,在一片橙黄色的烛光笼罩下,佛陀时期的足迹又再次的在这边重新出现。每人手中握着一根蜡烛,所踩出 去的每一步都是在净化自己的心灵,大家一起追随着佛陀的脚步,用烛光照亮了前路,坚守佛规,重振精神的培训,以苦行开悟为最终目标来开始这为期三个月的 “守夏节”。

视频:视频1     视频2    

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