Thursday, July 10, 2014

LP Thop Takrut & Somdej (LP Thop的铜管符和顺德)

1 x RM1500 (2500)
Engraved with the ancient scared spell, these 5 units were 100% genuine takrud created by LP Thop himself for the protection against all dangers, black magic and bring metta luck for business and relationship. These rare piece 5 units genuine takrud of LP Thop were taken from Arjan Tia’s elder brother in Petchabun, Thailand, which is highly respected as expert in authenticate the scared items of LP Thop, and now made available in Wat Sungai Siput for the purpose of Ubosot fundraising.This is also second round brought in, first round was July this year and already rent out. Interest call Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408

4 x RM1000 (2500)
100% 由LP Thop亲手制作的铜符,年代远久,对于避险/避邪,人缘招财等都有极佳的效果。LP Thop是阿占爹的师父,也是在泰国鼎鼎大名的铜符大师,所遗留下来的圣物不多,尤其是由LP Thop亲手制作的铜符更是受到识货者的收藏目标。为了筹备讲经堂的建设基金,阿占爹从他的哥哥那边拿来了5只LP Thop亲手制作的铜符,好让善信们可以结缘。阿占爹的哥哥是在 Petchabun, Thailand那边有名的专家,是检定LP Thop圣物的权威。这已经是第二轮的引进了,今年第七月引进的五支已被恭请完毕。欲结缘者联络 Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408 

Yant book ash black meat Somdej year 2514
Luang Phor Top somdej is 100% made & chanted by Luang Phor Top during his era. Archan Tia asked his brother which is also a monk in Phetchabun to help collect the somdej for him so that Archan Tia can let the devotee here to own his master's somdej. Archan Tia's brother is the number 1 in Phetchabun to authenticate the real somdej that created by Luang Phor Top, so you can rest assure that the somdej above is 100% genuine and made by Luang Phor Top himself at the very affordable price.

焚经书黑肉顺德 (佛历2514)
This is third round brought in already, previous 2 round were finished. There are 40 pcs available this round. There are around 10 pcs of black meat yant book ash somdej available in temple now. The reason why it is in dark color because during the LP Thop time, their area got 1 very powerful master (Bomoh), after he died, his family dont know what to do with all his yant book (book that recorded all the magic spells), so they bring it to LP Thop and LP Thop burned all of them in the temple and use the ash to create this batch of Somdej, the ash is black, therefore the Somdej created in darker color. Black meat very nice because it contains not only the power of LP Thop but also the power of that master. Some in black color, some in brown color, only 10 pcs. Year made 2514. RM600.

White meat Somdej year 2517
Meanwhile there are 30 pcs of white meat Somdej. Material used 108 herbs and the essential of flower powder plus many more sacred material in the era of LP Thop. There are 4 pcs came together with temple box, the text on the box written "Ubosot fundraising". Those who are interest at LP Thop amulets this is your best chance to get it at the very affordable price, because in Thailand it is very hard to find the genuied piece of LP Thop amulets anymore, and the price there is slightly higher than what been offered at Wat Sungai Siput. For this time Archan Tia has asked the favor of his brother and 3 more local people to get these takrut and amulet. Interest call Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408

白肉顺德 (佛历2517)
 阿占爹在这一次第三轮的引进当中,加入了10面黑肉顺德。在 LP Thop 的时期,那边有个很厉害的法师去世后,他家里的人不知道如何处置那位法师所留下来的经书,所以他们就拿去给他们当地德高望重的 LP Thop。 LP Thop 把那些经书全部烧成灰,拿了那些灰去造这一批顺德,所以这一批的顺德的肉色看起来比较黑。年份是佛历2514,结缘600,目前大概有10个在庙里。

另外还有 LP Thop 用108药草以及花粉的精华还有很珍贵材料做成的白肉顺德。其中4个还保有庙盒,上面写着 “凑建讲经堂” 年份是佛历2517,结缘400, 目前大概有30个在庙里。 那些对高僧 LP Thop 有兴趣的千万别错过了这一次第3轮的引进,因为目前在泰国已经非常的难找到 LP Thop亲自造的佛牌了,而且价值不菲。阿占爹是因为他的家乡在 Petachabun,也是 LP Thop 的家乡,加上他的哥哥在这一方面是收藏家,以及动用了3位当地人才可以凑出这些 LP Thop 的圣物给这里的善信有个结缘的机会。欲结缘者联络 Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408

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