Thursday, July 10, 2014

Important Notice! (重要声明!)

All the relevance materials that you can see from, which is the platform that we use to upload the video of Wat Sungai Siput, has NO concerns with the Wat Sungai Siput, this including the videos that appear in right-hand side uploaded by OTHER peoples, we cannot control which video to appear in our page because we have no authority to edit and modify how presented their services, it is just like we open a store in a big shopping mall, we cannot decide what kind of merchant to be our neighbor. So if you ever come across some weird video while watching the video of Wat Sungai Siput, bear in that mind that it has nothing to do with us, this is the flaw of technology and if you cannot get used to it, leave the video page or have your concern email to ME at

注意!你在Youtube.com里面观看空怀泰佛寺的视频时,在右框栏所出现的由其他用户所发布的视频,跟空怀泰佛寺是完全毫无关 系的!我们,即使是一个国家的机构也无法控制那些相关的视频出现, 是 Google 旗下的公司,我们是没有权利去干涩他们要如何运作以及操控他们的服务以及产品的。就好像如果我们在大型的商场开店做生意,我们没有控制权来决定周边要有什 么类型的人或商店来作为我们的邻居!这是一路以来所有的网络用户都知道的事,如果你无法适应看到其它的视频或广告出现在空怀泰佛寺的 网页时,请即刻离开那视频的网页,如果你遇到有关这部落格或论坛不了解的事时,欢迎电邮给

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