Thursday, July 10, 2014

The "Phapa" (祖先公德法会)

The long anticipated grand event of the year “Phapa” has finally been completed yesterday and my emotionally still high until today because it was too memorable and I’ll put it on top of the list for all the events ever organized in Wat Sungai Siput because of its outstanding meaningful and few months of preparation and hard work finally paid off, the results is absolutely fantastic!

It was a foggy morning at Wat Sungai Siput, we reached there at 8:00AM bringing along my friend who is also the Nam Kwak & Somdej counter’s volunteer staff, he wake up at 5am in the morning just to make sure his helping hands reach Wat Sungai Siput, a passionate heart, guess this is the charming part of Arjan Tia to all its devotees. This year’s Phapa we also celebrating the 10th anniversary of Wat Sungai Siput by offering cake to Archan Tia as the sign of appreciation, also the Nam Kwak possession activity was something new and special featuring by the devotees who rented the Nam Kwak amulet, one of them is even a devotee came all along from China who doesn’t believe in spiritual trance before until she get possessed by Nam Kwak by herself. Through the Phapa yesterday Wat Sungai Siput successfully collected the sum of RM78595.30, the highest amount ever achieved in these 10 years and they will be all use in the Ubosot development. Thanks to all the devotees, your generous contribution will be marked!

The event run very smooth, me together with the rest of the volunteer helper do our part to help running the event, though it’s kind of exhausted and barely eat anything whole day especially for the good youngster counter staffs they have to stand for 8 hours serving the devotees who are interest in renting the amulet, but at the end all of us felt extremely happy, its hard to describe how it feels unless you come to experience it by yourself. Do check out the photo and video captured from the event and you might consider joining the Phapa next year, we’ll reserve a seat for you right from the moment you read this blog! See you guys all in Phapa 2011! Sadhu to all, may triple gems bless you and your family.

Photo: Click Here
Photo Slideshow: Part 1  Part 2   Part 3
Video: Part 1  Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9

空 怀泰佛寺8月31号的早晨凝漫着晨雾,仿佛身处在仙境当中,这是法喜的前兆,因为这一天就是众所期待的“祖先公德法会”!准备了将近3个多月的“祖先公德 法会”昨天在一片法喜之下顺利完成,也总共筹得了将近8万零吉的“讲经堂”建设基金,是例年来的最高。热心的善信们出钱出力,感动大家的其实不是筹得了多 少钱,而是在佛陀的膝下大家团结一致为共同的目标前进,完全发挥了人性的至善至美,这才是过程中最重要的部分。

筹备 了3个多月就在昨天8小时内完成,老实说的确有点不舍,从策划到模拟到实行大家都花了不少的心细,为的是要确保这一次的法会可以顺利进行。阿占爹更是花了 3个多月来为法会当天发布的招财女神以及顺德佛牌坐禅颂经,也是他花了最长一段时间来开光的圣物,虽然被恭请的数量不多,才3-4百粒,但也是空怀泰佛寺 在任何一次法会中所被恭请的圣物中最多的一次了。感谢善信们的热心支持。值得一提的是今年也是空怀泰佛寺成立的10周年纪念,为了要感谢阿占爹师傅的付 出,我们大家出了一笔钱买了双层的蛋糕赠送给阿占爹,看着他“老人家”切蛋糕的那一刻实在是另人感动!除此之外,招财女神佛牌起乩活动也与众不同,大家都 对这项活动感到非常的新鲜,大家都跃跃欲试,在一班人当中大概有9至10位的善信可以成功上身,其中有一位更是来自中国大陆佛山的女善信,由于之前只接触 过北传佛教的她对泰国佛牌以及神灵上身始终抱着半信半疑的态度,但却在昨天的招财女神佛牌起乩活动中在半柱香还不到的时间内就被招财女神附身,只见被招财 女神附身的她双眼紧闭,一脸和祥,四肢也不由自主的手舞足蹈起来,神态酷似招财女神一般。事后她说这绝对是空前绝后无法忘怀的经验,绝对值回飞机票!

由 于“祖先公德法会”不像拜师法会那样会有各种各样的神灵上身导致场面很混乱,也没有任何白目的滋事者,大家都很遵守秩序以及尊重大会,因此法会进行得非常 的顺利。今年也多了许多来自不同地方的善信前来参与,有来自中马的,南马的甚至国外的都有,虽然行程很波折大家都很累但大家都很用心的跟着流程来走,去领 会阿占爹师傅的法力,接受法雨的滋润,把公德回向给自己的亲人或祖先,实在是法喜充满!别忘了观赏在当场拍摄到的照片跟视频,让墨笔难于形容的记载用照片 跟视频来呈献给大家。我们明年见!祝大家安康。

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