Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Charm of Nam Kwak (招财女神的魅力)

The power of Nam Kwak amulet is absolutely amazing! According to Archan Tia, until todate it has been 7 devotees came to Wat Sungai Siput personally to thank him for the significant improved on business and income after wearing the Nam Kwak amulet released on Phapa 31/08/2010. Two of my friends who never owned any Thai amulet before hit 4d right after they put the Nam Kwak amulet in their house, though the prize is small only but its certainly sweet to get some extra cash.

3 months of continuously meditation and chanting is not something easy, this batch of Nam Kwak earned its reputation because of the hard work from Archan Tia, and now it started to paid off and I believe it is just the beginning. Chanted with the ancient script inheritage from LP Thop and LP Derm, this batch of Nam Kwak is so powerful to call money be it lucky money or decent money, also it brings good metta and create good opportunity, last but not least Archan Tia also chanted a small amount of safe-protection script to avoid any danger for the devotee who wear it. I think the reason why this batch of Nam Kwak were so “soulful” is because they have been chanted for very long period and also anyone who rent it help the development of Ubosot, that’s the true meaning behind the creation of amulet since the old times. It is a truly must-have amulet suitable for all level of people, grab one today and take the ride of fortune boost up, you too can make an improvement! Archan Tia created 3000 pcs of Nam Kwak & 2000 pcs of Somdej for the “Phapa” on 31/08/2010, they are still plenty in number, if you are keen to rent it please visit Wat Sungai Siput or read through the previous article on how to get one.

根据阿占爹师傅说,到目前为此已经有7位善信 前来空怀泰佛寺感谢他,因为自从佩戴了8月31号祖先公德法会上发布的招财女神佛牌后,生意就源源不绝,由于他们是做门市生意,有时2-3天才有几位客 人,现在他们说每天都有生意做,有时甚至忙到无法抽空坐下来休息,跟过往比较的话,实在好多了!因此他们特地前来感谢阿占爹的恩惠,也捐了更多的钱来帮助 讲经堂的建设。我身边的友人也陆陆续续的中奖,对于从来没有拥有过泰国佛牌的他们自从把阿占爹的招财女神佛牌放在家里后在一个星期以内就中奖了,由于只是 玩票性质而已因此奖金不多,但也是件开心的事。

阿占爹师傅真的为了这一批的招财女神佛牌而注入了无比的心细,但一切 都是值得的,依照现在的情况来看我觉得还可以继续的有好消息传出来。不管是正财或偏财或人缘,这一批注入了传自于他的师傅銮波陀(Luang Phor Thop)以及他师傅好友銮波德 (Luang Phor Derm)古近文的佛牌虽然外观不是很漂亮但灵力上绝对是毫无疑问的。一个佛牌的灵性来自于开光它的师傅,像阿占爹师傅这样坚守戒律当了二十几年的和尚而 且经过苦修而得道的高僧所制造出来的佛牌绝对就是最好的品质保证,再者所筹得的经费都于讲经堂的建设上,也符合了古代僧人制造佛牌跟信徒筹款建庙的善机。 阿占爹师傅这一次一共制造了3千面招财女神以及2千面的顺德佛牌好让所有的人都可以有机会拥有它,要恭请的话请亲自拜访阿占爹,更多资讯请读取之前的文 章。

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