Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wai Kru 2013 Ending (2013拜师法会完结篇)

Year 2013 of Archan Tia Wai Kru festival at Tam Nak Phu has been successfully done 1/5/2013. This year we had manage to raise RM 9746 for the total amount of donation and all will be directly support in development of LP Thuad statue at Wat Kura. Although the venue had been changed, but there are at least 300 of devotees came to pay homage this year. On this day, some of the devotees came back to Tam Nak Phu although they stay from very far away, we can see from them throughout this that distance doesn’t matter, but is the sincerity that counts.

A tent was setup outside of samnak for the conveniently of those who like to get in trance because mostly those who get in trance will run wild so open space is more suitable to “set them free”. We are appreciating your time and effort for the continuous support toward Archan Tia and may triple gems bless you all. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu… 

For more photo: Please click me

一年一度的拜师法会在昨天正式完成,今年共筹获马币9746,全部款项将会用于建造 Wat Kura LP Thuad 法像。虽然今年的地点已经更换但和往年一样,在这一天Tam Nak Phu还是挤满了至少300位善信前来进行灌顶以及膜拜。有些善信更是不计路途的遥远,在每年的这一天都会风雨不改,千里迢迢的回来支持师傅,或是还愿,或是接受灌顶,或是纯粹与老友们相聚,都不亦乐乎,法喜充满。

Tam Nak Phu的主坛外塔起了个临时的帐篷,为了要方便那些可以在诵经仪式时被上身的信徒有个开放的奔跑空间,而坛内则给那些喜欢安静的接受加持的善信们,所谓外武内文,阿占爹都周到的为众善信们设想。如果有缘,我们在下一年见!祝福大家安康,每年都成长进步,增长智慧与知识,善哉,善哉,善哉!


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