Thursday, July 10, 2014

That Kham

Happy New Year to all devotees. We wish all of you a prosperity, healthy and wealthy life in year 2013. This year, Archan Tia would like to introduce “That Kham” service to fellow devotees. What is “That Kham”? In the earlier stage of Archan Tia’s monkhood, he had travelled around Thailand to learn Dharma, way of meditation and wicha from forest monk and master. Fortunately, Archan Tia had learned a wicha, called “That Kham”. It is also considered as a way of meditation, and this way of meditation needs the support of master and it will allow devotees to see through his own pre-existence. We might not know what we done in our pre-existence, maybe we killed, hurt someone or an animal. Through this meditation, we can have our own repentance and return the merits to them. From this process, we will reduce our pre-existence’s karma to obstruct our life in this era such as wealth, relationship, health, career etc.

According to Archan Tia, trance will have 50% of success rate while “That Kham” will have 100% of success rate but this is based on the mindfulness of devotees while following master’s instruction. There are few steps to follow, first of all, devotees need to be present at the temple, Archan Tia will teach some katha for the meditation, after that, devotees will be meditating at a specific place. Archan Tia will also invite his master Luong Phor Kong also known as Luong Phor Thep for assistance. Devotees must say out what you see inside your mind while meditation and repent to them. Last but not least, Archan Tia will help on the chanting of returning the merits to them and bless for full protection to the devotees. Majority of devotees will take around 20 minutes to 40 minutes to finish the “That Kham”.

“That Kham” cannot be done alone, it must be accompanied by the master. This service will be provided everyday but each time there must be at least 5 people and above as it needs a lot of energy and mindfulness from the master. The most important is this service will be provided free of charge and all based on donation.

Archan Tia once said that “That Kham” is a little bit similar to flora bath and covering the white clothes, but for best effect it will be “Thak Kham”. This is because flora bath and covering of white cloth use the wicha to block and protect the devotees, the power will be reduce month by month and process needs to be repeated. As for “That Kham”, it won’t have this problem, it is using the power of metta, repent, and return of merits to change ones fortune and reduce our pre-existence’s karma that obstruct our life in this era.

新的一年,先祝各位善信新年新希望。话说回来,阿占爹在年轻时曾经到各处学习禅术,佛法及法术,默默地也掌握了一个叫 That Kham”的法术。这个法门就跟坐禅一样,此禅法是让人们通过自己前世的业障和师傅的法力一起进行,目的是让善信本身静下心来,看通前世曾经得罪,伤害或杀害什么人或生物并进行忏悔和回向功德。“That Kham”禅法能让前世的业障不要阻碍今世的自己如事业,爱情,财富,健康等等。

据阿占爹所说,起战可能只有50%的成功率,但 That Kham”禅法是有100%的成功率,只是要看善信本身的心和是否有跟着师傅的指示。其实步骤不会很复杂,善心本身要亲临庙里,阿占爹会教导坐禅时的心咒,过后善信们就坐在指定的位子坐禅。另一方,阿占爹会请 Luong Phor Kong 或称 Luong Phor Thep 祖师到来帮忙进行此禅法。善信们本身在坐禅期间看到什么,就一一禀报给师傅知道并默默地忏悔,过后阿占爹会帮善信们念回向功德经,及祈求一切顺顺利利。根据大多数善信们的纪录,整个坐禅程序大概要花 20分钟至40分钟。


阿占爹曾说过这个法术其实跟冲花凉和盖白布转运是有类似一样的效果,但是如果要最好的效果,师傅会推荐 That Kham”禅法。这是因为冲花凉和盖白布转运是以法术帮忙护体,时间一久,法力会慢慢的消失,过后又要重复冲花凉和盖白布转运这个步骤。但是“That Kham”禅法就不会,它用的是慈悲心,忏悔和回向功德,让前世的业障不会再阻挡今世的您。

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