Thursday, July 10, 2014

LP Thop Takrut (LP Thop的铜管符)

(Click to Enlarge)

Engraved with the ancient scared spell, these 5 units were 100% genuine takrud created by LP Thop himself for the protection against all dangers, black magic and bring metta luck for business and relationship. These rare piece 5 units genuine takrud of LP Thop were taken from Arjan Tia’s elder brother in Petchabun, Thailand, which is highly respected as expert in authenticate the scared items of LP Thop, and now made available in Wat Sungai Siput for the purpose of Ubosot fundraising.

Meanwhile Archan Tia is creating the super jumbo takrut that covered ALL functions that you can possibly  think of. This jumbo size takrut can be carried on waist or simply put at house. Interest please order, custom made on demand. All funds collected will be used toward Ubosot development. Sadhu.

  • Archan Tia - 04-7522676, 013-4529368 (Simple hokkien & Thai only) - Avoid calling at night
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408 

100% 由LP Thop亲手制作的铜符,年代远久,对于避险/避邪,人缘招财等都有极佳的效果。LP Thop是阿占爹的师父,也是在泰国鼎鼎大名的铜符大师,所遗留下来的圣物不多,尤其是由LP Thop亲手制作的铜符更是受到识货者的收藏目标。为了筹备讲经堂的建设基金,阿占爹从他的哥哥那边拿来了5只LP Thop亲手制作的铜符,好让善信们可以结缘。阿占爹的哥哥是在 Petchabun, Thailand那边有名的专家,是检定LP Thop圣物的权威。


  • 阿占爹 - 04-7522676,013-4529368(简单的福建话和泰语)请避免晚间拨打
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408

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