Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thai Style Ancient Spiritual Acupuncture (泰国古式针灸灵疗)

It’s all begins with that long needless that Archan Tia use it for acupuncturing to cured an old man recover from bad disease in 10 years ago... It so happened that when Archan Tia came to Pendang, Malaysia 10 years ago to soliciting money for his temple in Thailand, he met an old man with many years of pain on his legs, Archan Tia help him by performing Thai style ancient acupuncture therapeutic on that man, and after few times of healing process, amazingly that many years bad disease successfully cured. He then received a piece of rubber estate land in Kampong Sungai Siput from that old man who happened to be the local's landlord as the sign of appreciation.

I don’t really know exactly how to call that thing but the process look like the combination of Chinese acupuncture and Thai style spiritual tattoo, with the herd oil on the head of needle, Archan Tia stick the needle repeatedly on the spot where the patient claimed to have pain on it. The process is very fast and for optimize results patients are advisely to come back after few weeks to let Archan Tia check and see weather there are any improvement. Personally I think this kind of medical therapy is working on the blood vessels and collaterals to remove the blocked inside plus the spiritual healing method from the chant that Archan Tia spell during the acupuncture process. Many have claimed that it works amazingly well for them, and you might want to give it a shot at Wat Sungai Siput if you have any bad disease that modern medical can’t help, best of all this services is completely FOC!

10 年前的阿占爹师傅只身从泰国来到马来西亚吉打洲的北部为其在泰国的庙宇进行化缘,在机缘巧遇之下帮助了一位老先生痊愈了多年的疾病,老先生刚好是当地的大 地主,为了要显示感激因此捐了一块橡胶园地给阿占爹师傅好让他可以落脚建庙留下来帮助有需要帮助的人。就这样的阿占爹师傅靠那一支从泰国家乡带来的长针以 及那实而不华的医疗技能,帮他建立了今天的空怀泰佛寺来跟大家结缘。

我们华人从小就知道中国的针炎医疗方法,对针炎 并不陌生,阿占爹师傅的医疗方法就跟针炎很相似,但跟泰国的刺青更加靠近,主要是用一根扎在长棍前,沾了草药油的针头,在患者有病痛的地方进行来回快速的 刺扎,有如泰国古式纹身一样,加上阿占爹师傅的咒语,整个过程大概只需要一分钟就可以结束了。阿占爹师傅说由于有些疾病已经隐藏多年,非一两次就可以彻底 解决,需要多次的回诊方可达到药到病除的效果。我不知道这种医疗方式叫什么名堂,但是其做法类似针炎,即疏通被阻塞的血管以及经络,让血液可以在全身舒畅 的循环进行陈新代谢,那么留在体内有害的物质就不会凝集成有害的毒素,就不会产生疾病。如果你有多年来现代医疗方式无法解决的疾病,不妨前来空怀泰佛寺拜 访阿占爹师傅,试一试这泰国古式的针炎灵疗,也许病情会有转机。值得一提的是,阿占爹师傅是以救人为出发点,因此这医疗服务是完全不收费的,但信徒可以随 缘捐助,好让空怀泰佛寺有足够的经费可以维持下去以帮助更多需要帮助的人。

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