Thursday, July 10, 2014

Amulet Test Possession (佛牌起乩测试)

The Nam Kwak amulet that will be released on 31/08/2010 at “Phapa” event has been put out on test to see whether it holds sufficient power after 1 month of continuously meditate chatting by Archan Tia. The results is optimized, 2 out of 3 testers were successfully possessed by Nam Kwak, the female godness of wealth.

The test possession were conducted at Wat Sungai Siput on devotees that offered themselves to do the test, the first tester is from Sungai Petani and he is currently facing financial problem, he get possessed so quickly that don’t even require the chanting assistance from Archan Tia. This is his fresh possession, he never get possessed before by anything in any form but on that day right after Archan Tia pin the Nam Kwak amulet on his cloth using a small plastic beg, his body start shaking and go in trance very quickly. The last 2 testers were Mr. Ng (the committee member of Wat Sungai Siput) and his friend. Mr. Ng get possessed after like 7 minutes of chanting aid by Archan Tia, unfortunately his friend didn’t make it and this is because not everyone is familiar to deal with the spirit that either want to possess or communicate with us.

The Nam Kwak & Somdej amulet will be keep chanting by Archan Tia until the day of “Phapa”. For those who are interest to try getting possessed using Nam Kwak amulet you can do so at Phapa event on 31/08/2010. It will be the first ever of its kind; the purpose is to let the people to feel the power of the amulet and also to make believe that there are supernatural powers in the universe that we live, maybe it goes further than just belief, maybe we can consider it as cosmic science, whatever it is, it certainly worth for us to observe, discover and learn something. And in addition of this, 100% of the revenue that generated through amulet sells and donation will be used to construct the Ubosot building. Lets together do something very meaningful for the coming Phapa inconjunction with the celebrating of our nation’s independence day (Merdeka) on 31st August.

Video: Part 1     Part 2

在 8月31号“祖先公德法会”上即将发布的招财女神佛牌已经经过起乩测试,结果是满意的,在3位自愿者当中有两位起乩成功。第一位成功上身者是一位正在面临 生意上困扰,来自双溪大年的善信,只见阿占爹用别针把招财女神佛牌挂在他身上,他盘膝而坐很快的身体就开始摇晃,不久后就起乩了,甚至不需要阿占爹的助 念。他说这是他的第一次起乩经验,也许招财女神在冥冥之中知道了他实在很迫切的需要帮助,因而显灵上他身。另一个测试是由空怀泰佛寺的理事黄先生以及另一 位理事成员来进行,可以从视频中看到,大概在阿占爹经过7分钟的助念后黄先生就开始起乩了,但是另一位成员就无法完全的起乩,在经过很长的时间盘坐后只见 有一度他的双手有轻微的晃动,但始终无法正式的上身。也许这是个人体质的问题,有些人可以轻易的上身,有些人在经过引导后就可以,但也有些人是完全感觉不 到任何灵动的。

这一批在今年5月中就开始制造的招财女神以及顺德佛牌将会在8月31号的“祖先公德法会”上发布,这 期间阿占爹会继续的为佛牌坐禅颂经加持直至法会当天才公开给善信们恭请。在法会当天善信们也有机会尝试被招财女神上身的经验,只要手执恭请来的招财女神盘 膝而坐再加上阿占爹师傅的助念,有缘者就可以起乩。当天的佛牌起乩余兴节目主要是让善信们可以有机会的自己去感觉佛牌的灵力以及见识一下这在平时很难看到 的景象。题外话,很多科学上无法解释的东西往往都会俳徊在于信仰以及迷信当中,要知道人类是渺小的,我们活在多重空间里头的其中一个空间而已,被规限于我 们人类科学上可以理解的事情,然而有很多超自然的力量以及现象是值得我们去探讨以及研究的,它将会是一门非常有趣的课题。回归原题,大家记得多多支持这一 批灵力非凡的招财女神以及顺德佛牌,在当天所筹得到的善款将会用于正在建造的讲经堂,让我们大家一起在8月31号国庆节这一天同心协力一起参与这项极为有 意义的活动!

佛牌起乩测试:视频1     视频2

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