Thursday, July 10, 2014

Meditation (禅修)

Something special about Wat Sungai Siput is, you get to learn the meditation from Arjan Tia and he is the most qualified person to teach you with that because he used to spend 9 years in the forest practicing meditation by pursuing the way of training that was practiced in the time of Buddha. Arjan Tia has been practicing meditation back to the time he was in Thailand and before he officially became a monk, every year during his mother’s birthday he will go inside the forest and spend many days to meditate, he did that because he want to give merits in return to his mother’s love on taking care of him. He used to meditated 7 days without eating and drinking during his young time, and because he did that too frequent and this cause him a serious gastric disease and internal bleeding, until now he still need to take medicine for it.

If you want to learn how to meditate you can download the e-book that was translated from the Chinese version of book titled “Chan”. It was taken down as notes by a devotee when Arjan Tia explains about meditation in hokkien; it was then translated into Chinese and publishes it on a small 16-pages book. This book was written using simple words and it’s very easy to understand, it will serve as the foundation guideline on how to meditate. If you have any doubts please do not hesitate to visit Wat Sungai Siput and consult Arjan Tia himself, also you can search for the internet with the keyword “Samadhi” for the details explanation by other great guru. Finally please do excuse my poor translation in English, if you can provide better translation I would happy to amend it, send it to

阿 占爹师傅精通坐禅,每天都会花上一段时间来进行打坐,无论是加持圣物或是进修,多年来都是如此,乐此不疲。之前在泰国,在阿占爹师傅很小的时候 就得到了他的师傅 (Luang Phor Top) 的真传,这使阿占爹师傅对坐禅起了莫大的兴趣,在21岁梯度出家之后的3个月就步入森林追求佛陀时代的苦修,在森林里的9年期间,他曾多次的与其他高僧一 起学习,奠下了巩固的禅修基础,这对他在日后的学佛以及法门上的研专过程中都有极大的帮助。阿占爹师傅也是一位极为孝顺的孩子,在以前还在泰国的时候,每 逢母亲的生日他都会进入森林进行禅坐以报答母亲对他的养育之恩。他也曾经有一段时期为了追求禅修上更高的境界而不吃不喝高达7天之久,也因如此患上了严重 的胃出血病症,但如今还得定时的吃药。

我也多次的向阿占爹师傅请教坐禅的知识,但听似容易做则难,必须要付上一定的 时间与精神方可得到那么一点丁儿的进步,但这因人而异,也许我天资不高。如果你也要学习如何正确的坐禅可以下载阿占爹师傅亲自所传授的坐禅知识,此书为阿 占爹师傅用福建话口述时被信徒抄下后于中文来出版免费赠送给大家。我也应师傅的要求把它翻译为英文,提供给那些不会中文的善信们也有学习的机会,但请原谅 我不济的英文水准,如果你可以翻译得更好欢迎电邮给我以便修改。此书用极为简单容易明白的词汇教导你如何的以正确的方式来进行禅修,绝对适合任何人来学 习。如有任何疑问的话可以到空怀泰佛寺请教师傅,也可以参考其它南传师傅的禅修经验。祝,禅修快乐。

下载:  中文原版     英文翻译版

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