Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sponsor Needed (寻求赞助)

The construction of “Ubosot” is still undergoing, many parts of the building were assembled one by one but slowly. Arjan Tia said if the fund is sufficient then the construction work can be done quickly. If the is money running out the construction work will have to be temporary stopped and the workers will have to be dispensed home in Thailand for temporary until they are call again if Arjan Tia has enough money to continue the construction work.

To raise the fund for the building of “Ubosot”, Arjan Tia said he is looking for sponsor who are generous enough to donate for a pair of “Nakinaka” sculpture (see the picture below) that will be located in both side of stairway in “Ubosot”, there will be totally of 6 stairways in ubosot, 1 small stairway infront of the building as you can see from the picture below, 2 more on 2 side of ubosot and 1 large and long stairway near the back of ubosot building that containing 32 steps leading from parking ground straight up to the temple. A pair of “nakinaka” sculpture for small stairway cost RM10000 where each RM5000, for the “nakinaka” in large 32 steps stairway that located at the back of ubosot, each cost RM15000 where a pair cost RM30000. You are welcome to sponsor either a pair (RM10000 for small or RM30000 for big) of nakinaka or just 1 (RM5000 for small or RM15000 for big). Arjan Tia will honor the sponsor and their family name infront of “Nakinaka” (see the picture below with red spot).

Its rare to see “Nakinaka” in the temples in Malaysia, Archan Tia told me the story of it but I forgot some so I only write out the best that I can recall using my poor english:

“Nakinaka is the deva with upper part of human body and lower part of dragon tail. They live where the water is. Back in Buddha time, there is a nakinaka want to be a monk to learn from Buddha, he transformed himself into a human (because only human is allowed to become a monk) and ask Buddha for his kind mercy to accept him as student, but nothing hide under the eyes of Buddha, Buddha know that he is not a human but a elf or spirit, but Buddha just keep quiet and accept him as student. One day while nakinaka is asleep together with other monks, his original look was accidently revealed without his knowledge, other monks were shocked because of it………at last he became the guardian angel of buddha”

That’s the best I can recall, you can search for the story of it and if you did find something out please also share with me. So, if you are serious about sponsoring the nakinaka for ubosot building, you are absolutely welcome to do so by contacting Archan Tia himself, click here for the contact details and please use only simple hokkien and straight to the point that you want to donate for nakinaka. Alternatively you can email me at I would gladly to arrange tour for you to visit Wat Sungai Siput.

  • 1 small nakinaka - RM5000 (there are 10 available)
  • 1 pair of small nakinaka - RM10000 (there are 5 pair available)
  • 1 big nakinaka - RM15000 (there are 2 available)
  • 1 pair of big nakinaka - RM30000 (there are 1 pair available)

空怀泰佛寺的大雄宝殿 “Ubosot”正在进行当中,但速度是缓慢的,主要的原因是因为资金来源不足无法持续的应付工友们的薪资以及费用昂贵的建筑材料。阿占爹师傅感慨的说, 如果资金中断的话工程就要暂停了,而且那些泰籍工友也要暂时被遣送回泰国老家直到有足够的资金可以从新开工。为了要筹备资金,阿占爹师傅正在寻求善信们的 赞助,他希望通过热心善信们的赞助可以早日的把建筑工程完成。为了要感谢善信们的捐助,阿占爹师傅会把善信以及家人的名字刻在守护天使 “Nakinaka”的石雕上。“Nakinaka”是建设在沿着阶梯的两旁,人身龙尾的守护天使(请看上图)。大雄宝殿一共拥有5个阶梯建设在前门以及 各两个阶梯分布在左右两侧的前后,还有一个拥有32个阶层的大阶梯从大雄宝殿后方的停车场直通往大雄宝殿的左侧。一对“Nakinaka”需要马币 10000零吉,而后方大阶梯的“Nakinaka”则需要马币30000零吉,善信们可以选择赞助一对小的“Nakinaka”值马币10000零吉或 单一即马币5000零吉也行,或者赞助一对大雄宝殿后方大的“Nakinaka” 值马币30000零吉或单一即马币15000零吉。无论是赞助单一或一对,或大或小,阿占爹师傅都会把善信以及家人的名字刻在上面以示感激,也让 “Nakinaka”守护着你的意思,另外这也是一件公德无比的好事。

“Nakinaka”很少会在马来西亚的暹庙 里看得见,但在泰国你却可以在比较特别的暹庙里看得见。阿占爹师傅曾经对我说过它的典故,但有些我已经忘了,唯有把我还记得的告诉你:“Nakinaka 是一种人身龙尾的精灵,它们在河流或有水的地方依住。话说在佛陀的时代,有一个Nakinaka为了要跟随佛陀学习,因此就化身为和尚(因为规定只有人类 可以成为和尚,有点借假修真的意思),但佛陀一看就知道那是精灵而不是人类,但也没戳破它。有一天当它和其他的和尚在睡觉时不小心的原形毕露,因此吓坏了 其他的和尚。。。。。。。。后来它成为了佛陀的守护天使” 恕我只记得那么多,如果你知道它的典故欢迎你跟大家分享。

如 果有那位热心的善信要赞助“Nakinaka”的话请联络阿占爹师傅,请用简单的福建话跟师傅来表明,或者也可以联络理事代表 Mr. Ng (012-5862408) 或电邮 (给我安排亲自参观空怀泰佛寺。功德无量,善哉,善哉,善哉。

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