Thursday, July 10, 2014

Fortune Enhance Ritual (盖白布补运)

Fortune enhance ritual or the ritual of bung sak kun pen, bung sak kun tai is a ritual of removing bad luck. Often you see there are many plates on the floor in front of Buddha statue in lomtam (Arjan Tia’s office) with white cloth, joss stick and candle, they are left by the devotees who just performed the fortune enhance ritual. As you can see from the video, it starts by cutting the lime using special knife, it looks like malay knife (keris) or its another type of mikmo, the lime believes to have the power of removing bad spirit, then Archan Tia will put an egg that prepared by devotee to the edge of the devotee feets, the egg served as somekind of container to temporary hold the bad spirit during the bathing session and it will then be destroyed by means of bad spirit has been taken away at the end of flower bath session. Flower is for improving good luck and to enhance one’s metta. Devotee then posture in praying position, Archan Tia will chant and cover you with a white cloth, then he will in one motion; remove the white cloth from you. Archan Tia has been doing this for 10 years and its totally free of charge, devotee only have to do donation in any amount that they think comfortable with.

Another special tips to share with you, 3 years ago when I do this ritual, Archan Tia told me that its better to choose Tuesday morning for this ritual, I didn’t ask why and after you are done with it, go home and rotate your bed sheet from one end to the other end, meaning you get “new born” by the day of tomorrow when the sun rise. For those who want to do fortune enhance please have the following items prepared:

•    3 colors flower (7 colors is better)
•    1 lime
•    1 egg
•    1 pack joss stick
•    White cloth 2 meters
•    1 pack of white or yellow candle

盖白布补运是阿占爹师傅的强项之一,在泰语称为Bung Sak,主要是以 “得获重生”的原理,以达到为善信们去除霉运再增强个人的运势的目的,是泰国当地很流行的一个法事之一。

首 先阿占爹师傅会用看似马来剑(Keris)的法刀把酸柑切开,再把它跟其他的花朵一起放进一个装满水的水桶里。在华人或暹人的民俗信仰当中,很多时候都会 用酸柑来去除一个人的霉运或依附在人体上不好的灵体。在整个冲花凉的过程当中善信的脚端会置放一粒鸡蛋,相信鸡蛋的作用是为了要收复厄运或不好的灵体,在 冲花凉结束后阿占爹师傅会把该鸡蛋打碎,用意是把不好的东西驱逐掉。冲花凉结束后善信们可以去把身体抹干,换上清洁的衣服后再给师傅盖白布。阿占爹师傅会 善信们自己准备的白布为善信盖上,一边念经一边慢慢的把白布卷收而起,当白布完全收起来之后,意思就是说善信们已经“得获重生”,一切可以从新再开始的意 思了。

十年如一日,阿占爹师傅已经为不计其数的善信们进行该仪式,而且盖白布补运是不收费也不需给红包的,但善信可 以随意乐捐任何款项来表达感谢。阿占爹师傅说过,来做这仪式的人多数身处困境方寻求此策希望借以脱离困境,因此如果强逼收费的话已经是违反普渡众生的原 则,反而让善信们乐捐也是自己集公德的一种方式,因为所得经费都会用在有关庙方的发展用途方面。最后再送你一个小贴士,最好是选择在星期二的早上来做这仪 式,而且完毕之后记得回家换上新睡衣把床单调头来睡上一晚,待等明日晨阳一升所有厄运就会随之蒸发,换来的是完全崭新的一个新生命。如果情况好转了之后也 别忘了要多布施行善集公德方能创造更加美好的未来。要来做这仪式的善信们请自行以下:

•    3色花 (7色为佳)
•    1粒粗皮酸甘 (Tai Ko Kam)
•    1 粒生鸡蛋
•    1 小束香
•    白布两尺长
•    1小盒白或黄烛

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