Thursday, July 10, 2014

Amulet Chanting Ritual (佛牌开光)

The chanting session of Nam Kwak & Somdej amulet has begun and it will last for the rest of 3 months until the “Phapa” event on 31/08/2010. Each session of chanting and meditation will take at least 30 minutes, it will be started by chanting and follow by meditation. Arjan Tia use many katha for this batch of amulets, as I know it will have major katha (big katha) follow by katha that use for business, wealth and metta. As you can see they are many items besides of Nam Kwak & Somdej that mixed and chanted together but don’t worry because each specific katha will “goes” into specific item and will not mixed up. Each day Archan Tia will spend at least 3 session of chanting which is morning, noon and night time especially in morning and night time Archan Tia will spend many session for the chanting because there are less visitor during this period.

Once all the amulet has been fully powered up, it will be tested by letting people to feel its power in trance. Trial possession will be conducted by letting devotees to hold the Nam Kwak amulet and go into possession. When everything is tested and “Quality Assurance” done, and before it can release to public, it must be “inform” to the devas in heaven, to do so a ceremony of praying will have to set on the day of “Phapa” where you will see many stuff such as pig head, chicken, meat, fruit, water and etc offer to devas. Maybe this is part of the procedure of amulet making in dharma thai that must be followed or I don’t know, maybe its from the way of other related disciplines.

People said you get what you pay for, so you get your nam kwak & somdej amulet not just by paying money but you also paid contribution to the development of ubosot, this is something very meaningful. Pre-order of amulet is opened now, click here for more info of amulet pre-order procedure.

Chanting Session Video: Part 1     Part 2
Pre-Order Procedure: Blog Article     Forum

数 以千计的招财女神以及顺德佛牌已经顺利制造完成, 阿占爹师傅现在要面临的是最关键的时刻了,就是为这些圣物坐禅颂经开光。每一次的坐禅颂经开光都大概需要30分钟,每一天阿占爹师傅都会对这些圣物进行至 少三次的坐禅颂经开光,既是早上,中午以及晚上,尤其是在早上以及晚上这段时间,由于没有善信来访,师傅可以花很长的时间来对这些圣物进行坐禅颂经。阿占 爹师傅将会为此批佛牌输入大经以及招财女神的三大古经文,主要是招生意,招财 (是正财或偏财就得看个人的命格)以及招人缘。阿占爹师傅将会持续的为这一批的招财女神以及顺德佛牌进行坐禅颂经开光直至 8月31号的 “祖先公德法会” 也俗称 “超度法会”上,再用五牲水果祭天禀报仪式后方才让善信们恭请回家。这是一个标准的佛牌制造过程,从动手制模,材料的筛选,颂经开光到祭天禀报都马虎不 得,这样才能确保佛牌的灵验度,为恭请的善信助上一臂之力。除此之外,所有筹得的经费将会用于“讲经堂”的建筑方面,恭请佛牌的善信们也因此直接的帮助到 这一次的“讲经堂”的建造过程,此乃功德无量。

才有,花上金钱请回来的不只是佛 牌而已,也是因为帮助到了“讲经堂”的建造而集上了无比的公德,这样的好事不是每一天都会有,也许人的一生才会碰到这么的一次吧,而这次就让我们大家一起 全程来参与,大家连手共创人间净土上最美丽的“讲经堂”,属于菩薩,天使,众生以及你我的“讲经堂”!

开光过程: 视频 1     视频 2
预购程序: 文章     论坛     招财女神介绍目录

(Sample display at counter only. Not yet chanted. 货柜展示品而已,未经开光)

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