Thursday, July 10, 2014

Flower Bath Ritual (Apnanmu)

My friend did not show up at Wat Sungai Siput as he said he will to perform the flower bath ritual by Archan Tia hopefully to remove some badluck. It was a quiet Saturday at Wat Sungai Siput, and so while I wait I get the opportunity to sit down with Archan Tia and have a little chat together. He told me a lot of story and to be honest I have never been such excited to listen to what a teacher says except this one. He told me the story of Buddha that I have heard/read before but there are some details which is quite interesting that I bet you never heard before, will share with you guys when my writing in English improved. He also tell me a lot of other things such as where he came from (not about his hometown but somewhere above), teach me how to meditate, the story that happened during his meditation in his early age, how to integrate Buddha teachings into local’s requirements and all obstacles that he has overcome during these years. He speaks in easy way with smiling but I know it wasn’t easy for him, tiny little body with strong heart, this is why I respect him so much. I will share with you guys more on my next post about the story that I heard from him, his vision and his future plan for Wat Sungai Siput.

While we chat a family came with big car and the father ask for flower bath, thank god, his appearance give me the chance to take the video of flower bath ritual so I wont go home with empty hands. That guy is from Pokok Sena and he knows about this place for many years already, he got sakyant at the back by Archan Tia. Before he leaves he buys one of the takrut because he knows all the great stories of Archan Tia’s takrut.


Archan Tia has been performing the flower bath ritual for almost 10 years, whenever you feel not lucky enough you can come to Wat Sungai Siput and try to get the bath by Archan Tia, for those who want to flower bath please prepare the following items:

•    3 colors flower (7 colors is better)
•    1 lime
•    1 egg

Better yet you can try the “Fortune Enhance Ritual”, its including the Flower Bath Ritual but added some other features and so you have to prepare the following:

•    3 colors flower (7 colors is better)
•    1 lime
•    1 egg
•    1 pack joss stick
•    White cloth 2 meters
•    1 pack of white or yellow candle

Until then, see you next time with more exclusive report directly from Wat Sungai Siput! :)

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