Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tiger Skin Takrut (虎皮经文牌)

Tiger skin takrut is the first item that I bought on my first visit to Wat Sungai Siput back in 3 years ago and it perhaps one of my favorite collections of all time. Tiger skin takrut is absolutely awesome and it saves a lot of lifes in various kind of dangerous situation. From what I know, first one was an electrical engineer from Sungai Petani, second one was a chef from Tambung, latest one was happened right inside the construction area of “Ubosot” in Wat Sungai Siput where a huge concrete pipe fall and hit one of the thai worker’s head and amazingly he survived without a scratch! And the list of life saving goes on…many asked me if tiger skin takrut will make them hot temper, the answer is no, how to control the temper is the personality problem and we can learn how to manage our anger through meditation, I will post up more about meditation in the future but right now lets stick with tiger skin takrut.

阿占爹亲手制造并经坐禅念经多天的虎皮经文牌是一块珍贵稀有的宝物,从推出到至今已经救过许多条人 命,这并非随便说说而是铁一般的事实,最经典的证明是一位来自双溪大年的电器工友(请在此部落格的下方读取该自述),再来的是一位来自Tambung海鲜 煮炒师傅,而最近发生在一位泰籍建筑工友身上的事情也另人啧啧称奇,话说该建筑工友正在为空怀泰佛寺的讲经堂进行建造工作时,被一根巨大的洋灰柱从高处直 垂而下,不偏不倚的击中该工友的天灵盖,但该工友不但没事而且连擦伤都没有。还有许许多多无法考察的奇迹均发生在这么一块珍贵稀有的虎皮经文牌上。许多人 对虎皮经文牌有点迷思,以为戴了虎皮经文牌脾气就会变坏,其实并非如此,一个人的脾气是看个人的修行,而非罪怪于任何形式上的东西,如果要学会如何更加有 效率的控制脾气以及拥有更多的智慧来处理事务,坐禅可以让你达到目标。在未来我会发布更多有关坐禅的文章来跟大家分享。祝大家安康。

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