Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Making of the Amulet (Nam Kwak & Somdej)

Without further ado allow me to update you guys with the latest amulet news from Wat Sungai Siput. The price for the Nam Kwak that will be releasing for this coming “Papha” as follow:

•    Plain – RM40
•    Gold – RM60

Archan Tia himself announced the price today but I don’t know if it will change in the future but even if it does I guess it won’t go any further than RM90. Bear in mind that every penny that you spent will contribute to the development of “Ubosot”, your money will be ‘burying” into every brick inside this building that so solid and meaningful that will last for centuries.

Besides of this Archan Tia will also release the Somdej amulet for this coming “Papha”. This Somdej mold is actually done earlier than Nam Kwak mold but it was hold due to the priority of Nam Kwak come first after the situation where people are not making enough money for their living, Nam Kwak will be handy to overcoming this issue. Maybe its not Archan Toh Somdej Wat Rakang, but Archan Tia indeed has some good fate with Somdej, when he is young and still the “forest monk”, one day in meditation he “saw” Somdej (Buddha) approach him and teach him how to meditate and also tell Arjan Tia that he is not dead yet, you will see me again if you keep practicing in meditate. So if anyone is qualify to produce and bless the Somdej amulet, Archan Tia will be that person.

The price of Somdej is RM90, made by 108 herbs with cooked rice and lot of “King Wood” powder that give its brown color, will be meditated and chanted for 40-50 days before releasing to people on “Papha”. Sound promising isn’t it? So what its gonna be? Nam Kwak or Somdej? The choice is yours!

阿 占爹为了要为正在建造的 “讲经堂“ 筹款,因此特别精心炮制了一批招财女神以及佛陀佛牌供善信恭请。阿占爹将会为此批佛牌而坐禅念经一个月后方在2010年8月31号的祖先公德法会上让善信 恭请。阿占爹说希望借着招财女神以及佛陀的力量,让善信们招来更多的财富来改善生活,同时也间接引渡善信来笃信佛教,也可以让经济改善的善信们为正在建造 的 “讲经堂“ 捐款了愿。按此下载中文介绍目录。

为 了节省经费以便可以把大部分的资金都投入在建设上,除了外壳是由工厂订做之外,上千面的佛牌皆由阿占爹以及其同行亲手而做。此批招财女神以及顺德佛牌的材 料有108种珍贵的草药,“木王” 粉,煮熟的白米以及人缘香精,而且每面招财女神佛牌的背部都有一颗白米,代表避邪以及容易找吃。阿占爹将会为此批佛牌坐禅颂经一个月以保证其灵验度是 100%肯定的,而且还会在在8月31号的祖先公德法会上让信徒手执佛牌打坐来感应招财女神。不管是男女老少或佩戴或收藏或赠送他人,阿占爹师傅为空怀泰 佛寺10周年以及“讲经堂“ 筹款且在这一次祖先公德法会上发布的佛牌,不管是意义上或者价值上都是无可比拟的。


Check out the video - The making of the amulet Video 1 & Video 2

Order Form (订单)中文版定购程序按此
Click here to download and print out the softcopy of order form and mail to the attached address that you can find inside the order form. Unless it is absolutely necessary to do so, you are encourage to submit the form personally to Arjan Tia at Wat Sungai Siput. Alternatively you can call Mr. Ng at 012-5862408 to place the order. You are also welcome to use this form if you want to order in bulk.

  • Nam Kwak Plain (RM40)
  • Nam Kwak Gold (RM60)
  • Somdej Plain (RM90)

Important: Price and availability is subject to change without prior notice.

  1. Fill out ALL fields, including your signature, you may leave blank the item that you don't want to order.
  2. DO NOT attach cash or cheque together with this order form unless you submitting this form personally to Archan Tia.
  3. Your Name & IC will be used to check against the order. If you submit this form PERSONALLY to Archan Tia and you have made the payment, Archan Tia will sign and chop stamp on the order form, you can keep the order form and use it to retrieve the amulet during the “Papha” event or 1 week before and after the “Papha” while stock lasts.
  1. Wat Sungai Siput is not guarantee the availability of your order but we will try our best to preserved the amulet for you.
  2. If you submit the order form via snail mail, DO NOT attach cash / cheque / money order or in any form of payment, we will not responsible for the lost of your mail.
  3. Price and availability is subject to change without prior notice. In any event that the price has changed we will try our best to annouce it to the public.

Your contribution help the building of Ubosot! Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
您的捐款可以让讲经堂早日完成以及做为庙里的发展用途。功德无量,善哉! 善哉!善哉!

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